特朗普想禁止所有中國股票?! -(中美貿易戰最新消息)





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  1. The media (who makes their money based on the dinosaur version of clickbait) makes up a claim, states zero sources, and people believe them.


  2. Hi Ale, I've been watching your youtube videos since you've started. I would suggest not giving your opinion on your personal stock picks as there doesn't seem to be any general logic in your information.

  3. Just look at what the billionaires and millionaires are doing around the world. They are getting their money out of China. Even the rich Chinese are trying to get money out of China.

  4. Hello Ale, really appreciate your work and the effort you put into your detailed analysis. I like the no nonsense, let's get to the facts approach.
    I have been following the stock #ENPH for the last couple of months. Its a Solar play. The stock has been up >400% in the last one year and has seen some pull back in the last one month after a stellar earnings. I'm not sure small caps are of interest to you, but if it does pique your interest, I would really appreciate your analysis/take on it

  5. Well done summation, Ale. I agree that solid Chinese companies like Alibaba and Tencent are reasonably positioned to weather the geo-political storm. What』s ironic is that when I bought both of them a few months back, I was a little concerned that CHINA might ban US investors from owning their stocks, shell companies notwithstanding, effectively zeroing out the market value. Never considered that such a preposterous and flagrantly anti-free market idea would come from this side of the pond.

  6. Trump is the common enemy for US citizens and all people in the world….Trump must be impeached…..Under Trump, The world is in the brink of nuclear war…(not just trade war)…

  7. I』m more of a dividend investor, but the only two stocks in my portfolio other then div stocks are FB & BABA. I really do believe BABA is significantly undervalued, but at the same time I really don』t trust the fact that it』s an ADR stock and the Chinese government has more control over the stock then shareholders or even the actual company Ali Baba does

  8. Great video Ale! i love 「Sorry baby, I didn』t mean to say that!」 ??? so is it a good idea to BUY NIO now at $1.56 lo low the cost basics? Thanks ale! ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

  9. Very informative!. I'm curious about shorting position on a stock in the UK. Is it is possible to get rich on stock shorting in the UK stock market Target on no-deal brexit that likely happening on 31st of October?

  10. All Chinese stocks are owned by Chinese govt. They're listed to get American dollars into China cuz Chinese money are worthless. Companies like NIO were never meant to be successful. It was a way to get fast investments.

  11. Trump should do this without delay. This is the kind of thing you will run into if you don't:

    'Sino-Forest Corporation claimed at one time to be one of the leading commercial forest plantation operators in the People's Republic of China. In 2011, the company was accused of fraud and found itself under investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Ontario Securities Commission….'
    One of the largest frauds in Canadian securities history and chinese authorities offered no co-operation in apprehending the perpetrators. I'd NEVER invest in a chinese listed company.

  12. I recommend anyone to check out the movie The China Hustle before plunging into Chinese stocks. Also check out stock dilution. Baba's outstanding shares increased seven fold since last year.

  13. Chinese commenting from mainland China. Don't be surprised VPN is quite common here and I searched trade war this one come out.
    I am not quite optimize about a trade deal with Trump, for many reasons.
    Most people in China don't think Trump can be trusted.
    Maybe he misplaces unpredictable with "no credit".He just keeps quitting deals the U.S government made before without agreement of other sides of the deal(like Iran) and ruined the international credit of U.S , even if we signed some paper with him how can we sure he honors it or just yell out "I don't think that was a fair deal, so I'going to ruin this one and renegotiate another" later.

    Second , being humiliated is something worse than GDP growth speed below 6.2% per year. What Trump does and say is beyond humiliating. The U.S. government now gives a impression to many Chinese that it's going to force China to sign some unfair treaty. Triggered some bad memories of China between 1840 and 1911. The last Chinese government which keeps kneeling down to outer force was overthrown by Chinese, it was called Qing. So, some nationalism involved.
    Even they are CCP, they need to deal with what people say in China.

    No Chinese think it's just trade problem, it's more like 超限戰(transfinite war,there's a book about it but some just intentional translated it into a more biased name to demonize China), and many think this trade war is not intend to make a trade deal, it's intend to stop China being a superpower.

    About Hong Kong you talked. Sovereignty can not be used as leverage by foreign power. It would be a bad example that other countries may take advantage of and without paying much price by themselves. (BTW, Chinese government accused the U.S. is behind the protest and riot, did't quite believe it at first but then Fox show video about some Hong Kong protesters waving U.S. flag and sing U.S. anthem and the comments under Fox news call it "patriotism", yeah, Chinese waving U.S. flag to go against China is called "patriotism" )

    But that doesn't mean China wants a different U.S. president just because of that because generally the U.S. is hostile towards China and others may do it smarter and even more difficult to deal with.

  14. i dont think China needs America as much as Americans think. saying China has a weak economy is simply western propaganda. Tesla stock is proof that stock markets can be manipulated

    in 2000 chinas gdp was 1 trillion and USA was 10t. Today China's gdp is 12tillion and the USA is 19t, that is over 1000% growth compared to the USA 100%. it took the USA 40years to go from 1trillion to 10t were as it only took china 20yrs combine this with the fact that china has been investing in infrastructure while America has been investing in wars and it paints a bleak picture. why would china care about losing the biggest group of consumers when they can have a monopoly on the 2-4th groups of consumers which is exactly what will happen if china completes the new silk road which will cut the time to transport goods from china to Europe in half.

    furthermore the dollar is only a reserve currency because we wage war on countries that decide to sell their oil in other currencies(Venezuela, Libya, Iran, Russia,ect…), what happens to the petro-dollar in the era of climate change?

  15. Trump 2020 to stop China. President trump has my vote . Most chinese stocks are toxic and they aren't worth anything. Most American have invested in many bad Chinese companies.

  16. Trump wants to manipulate the market wherever he can ! As soon JD goes under 20 $ he will instruct his sons the mendez brothers to buy CALLS on JD . Then Trump will announce that CHINA is winning bigly.

  17. The downward trend will have to continue before there is positive and definite news out. Right now the perception is that Trump is planning to do something with these Chinese ADRs. True, it's unlikely going to happen by most people's common sense. But this is a real possibility. It's a binary option. Either ban, or not ban. In case it is banned, what's going to happen to your portfolio if you continue to hold? Probably close to Zero! None of the big money can afford to suffer such loss. They have to liquid majority of their position ASAP!

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