
伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)為增加燃油價格的決定辯解。不過,他在回應抗議時說,窮人將從周一開始獲得補貼。
半島電視台的Dorsa Jabbari從德黑蘭報道。
德黑蘭大學世界研究學院院長穆罕默德·馬蘭迪(Mohammad Marandi)與半島電視台進行了對話。


#AlJazeeraEnglish #IranProtests #FuelPrice。

  1. Hey Marandi tell your murderous mullahs the day we will be hanging you one by one from the hydro poles across the cities of Iran is getting very near. And unfortunately for you Marandi, we consider you a mullah too.

    And for the viewers of this video:
    7days and night revolt against the murderous regime of mullahs in 144 cities, and 27 provinces, about 1 million protesters ( all combined) took part in this revolt. More than 300 dead, 7000 arrested

  2. این رژیم دروغگو هنوز همان ترفند دروغ و گول زندن مردم را در پیش دارد که پولی را که از بنزین می گیریم بهتان پس می دهیم . دیگر از این دروغ بزرگ و واضع تر چیزی دیگری را نمی شود از این ملایان مفت خور مار به سر توقع داشت که خمینی لعنتی نیز زمانی که قدم نحس و نفرین شده اش را به ایران گزاشت بدشومی را با خود به ایران آورد و مردم ایران را به دورغ های ملایان دروغ های مصلحتی آموزش داد که ایران مال ایرانیان نیست ما همه دارایی شما ها را از زیر تان بیرون آورده و در کشورهای دیگر برای خود ملاها و زاده ولادهایشان سرمایه گزاری می کند و این مردم همیشه منتظر اندکی بهبود بنشینند که حقشان است که همچون ملاهای را به سرپرستی بزرگترین دارایی جهان گزاشتند و با دورغ های این کثافتان ملاها نوکر های کشورهای اروپایی تنها منتظر باشید و ووو این ملا روحانی مار به سر هنوز این راه خمینی لعنتی بدشوم ملای کثافت آن پرور زمین نشین را دنبال می کنند !!!!

  3. Or 4. Just give up those nukes, stop threatening your neighbors with nuclear annihilation submit to IAEA inspections and declare ALL facilities this time.

  4. A research study conducted by the US Department of Defence has hailed Iran』s achievements in its ballistic missiles program despite decades of Washington-imposed sanctions, saying its arsenal is larger than that of any other Middle Eastern countries.

    "Iran has an extensive missile development program, and the size and sophistication of its missile force continues to grow despite decades of counter proliferation efforts aimed at curbing its advancement," the Pentagon study said.

    Iran has "the largest missile force in the Middle East," the report added.

    Speaking on condition of anonymity, a US intelligence official said that Israel was included in the analogy.

  5. The Iranian leaders Blame others for the problems they created. They spent billions to proxies causing troubles while starving its own people.

  6. This government doesn't have money because of sanction, and the start burning banks and clinics, it is not people who do these actions!!!!

  7. They killed more than 200, and killing injured in the hospital, they lying, he said it is cheap, but don't speak about 80% of poverty. Don't trust anything they say….. They killing people, and shut down internet, so no one in the world knows what are they doing….. They are worse than Hitler

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