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  1. This panel should have included geopolitical experts. If trade and economy were only issues then this panel is relevant. But realizing what China has done against Japan, Australia, Korea, Vietnam and even Norway with Chinese economic power backed by military might, could America stand up to China in 10 or 20 years if we don't keep China in check geopolitically now?

    When China is threatening our military power in our allies' sea and air when we are stronger, would China excercise self control when Chinese arm forces are on par or stronger than U.S. military arm forces? I am not being hawkish, just self preserving.

  2. What a disappointment. The panel blithely dismisses tariffs as "That's just a 'we have to do something' feeling" whereas its response is…doing absolutely nothing. So no opposition to China's JV laws, support for SOEs, currency manipulation, etc. US firms on the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce are all too happy to make money in China hand over fist while incessantly whining and moaning to the US govt about theft of their IP and unfair trade practices. The panel consists of the same type of now-discredited idealists who were willing to overlook Chinese mercantilism and protectionism in the first place (because China would become more democratic, right?!?!). They seem to forget that US companies can make cheap stuff in any number of Asian countries.

  3. "We got some former experts in trade negotiations…"
    Let me guess, it was their first time even having the gall to acknowledge such questions. I'll take Trump, You don't need computers running games and pie charts; you just have to not be a pussy. Gratefully we have a patriot as president. Tired of these technocrats with no skin in the game and who don't stand for the american people pushing their policy.

  4. So, they want to go the route of appeasement. Corrupt panel. I bet half of them have spouses who teach english to CCP members and are paid a million dollars

  5. The US WILL NOT tolerate a No.2 world power! It will destroy the challenger by any means just like what it did to UK, Germany, Japan and Russia, now it is China! Next may be India, if they developed into No.2 in the near future. US want to maintain its hegemony and rob all money in the world. China will win based on their solid industrial ground, and the US won't last any longer just base on printing fake currency and playing the money game by the Wall Street sharks.

  6. Actually you dont need rocket scientist to find out the real reason of the trade escalation war. Trump is self centrist and he wont give a damn to what will happen to US economy. He wants a win in the trade war to support his 2nd term election campaign and if he doesnt get that, he will do whatever with no damages in mind. After all if he loses the 2nd term election, he will just leave. He will still have very comfortable life even the whole US economy collapses as a result of his action. On the other hand, China is a communist country with its head dont have to face election to stay in power. To the Chinese, after the huge humiliation by the West (the opium war and its citizen murdered in hundred of thousands and territory seized), China will fight to the very end if forced to subdue.

  7. Its all very simple to the few just being abused by the husbands or wives or consorts, it all seems so normal when your house seems clean, and you don't have to relate to others, you can just stick to the skewed statistics and meaningless analysis and understand why its ok to be paid to support this nonsense. Being a public speaker and a prostitute are very similar, the difference is why you do it, i mean between doing good and being a public speaker/prostitute/UN official.

  8. but a few ven diagrams a few therapy sessions and some actually whoring, and they go right back to being braindead speakers pretending to have education, morals, and intelligence still.

  9. How many of you know why some of your familiy was kidnapped, died early, or suddenly forced into new marriages? Ok, and then we trust these people still struggling to even have passion in their own lives after trying to hide from all the death and depravity in the world that comes out of such willfull ignorance. Why? Because they seem like those kind of people, were used to what happens to smart intellectuals, they are isolated, shunned, hated and raped, usually after they can't tell the difference, and so it seems normal for them to be this vacant minded and lacking in critical thinking while still appearing "knowledgable" and this insidiously spreads to the rest of global culture.

  10. Americans invented the game and created the rules. Now that China is looking good to win the finals, the Yankees want to confiscate the balls accusing China of stealing their team's technics, dietary secrets, and training methodologies. They also want China to pack up and leave the court because China's controversial plays resemble cheating and Americans hate losing, especially on their home turf.

  11. USA is bad for Hong Kong. Shenzhen and Shanghai are going to take its place. Shenzhen is already free trade zone and silicon valley of east. Shanghai was a financial hub before hk ? look at the history books. They even have a little Germany inside China. Go look at China internet sites.

  12. 5 white persons on panel talking china. absolutely a balanced sharing of opinions. anybody thought of asking china's point of view.

  13. War of hedgemony. China says they care about their people and don't want to cause homeless no healthcare to support 800 military bases. Winner in world control USA. Loser USA citizens. Winner chinese people. China will win because it will stay out of stupid wars but wins in diplomacy. No one wants to be in a coalition with USA who sanctions and tariffs them. Do these people realize we have almost half the world under sanctions and tariffs. USA is a nasty bully look at yourselves honestly. ? weaponized dollar and weaponized stock exchange are making the whole world wake up. Talk to foreigners more.

  14. china is not slowing they are just moving away from gdp as sole metric, in any sense of sustainable growth measure they are speeding up (social stability, environmental sustainability, global prestige, what we call externalities)

    the trade war hasnt hurt them, it has aided in the current round of reforms

    us just being played, the only way to win is to be cooperative and put childish games aside

  15. A strategic plan to counter real issues means you tell the facts make realistic plans based on hard facts. By distorting facts and in denial of realistic facts won』t get a correct course of action to overcome difficulties. Lies will only lead you down a path of failures and the American people will wonder why. Please tell the American people the truth they deserve the truth. Only then they will overcome what lies ahead if and when they fall.

  16. Doing business with China is like selling your soul to the devil, US companies got raped by China,

    Why are we so caught up in China, there's a saying in gumbling "all money is not good money", they have a clear plan of technological war and we are trying to convince ourselves that they are a fixer upper hahaha

    We are like a wife in a domestically violent relationship, NOooo he will not change, it's time for a divorce, "but I don't want to give up half hahahaha" take your losses and get the fuck out.

  17. Why any other countries want to organize a coalition with USA against China while Trump yelling 「America First」 and having individual trade renegotiations and new tariffs with Germany, France and every other country and China is their biggest trade partner instead of USA? You really don』t have to say your interest first because it』s natural. Why the administration focused on external blames on China instead of finding solutions internally to promote the growth at least to compete China? it』s US who needs cures, not finding cures for China since they are ascending in the right path? Export to US and import from China are both not as big as the politician thought of big impact on domestic economies, why would either side yield, stalemate and decoupling is definitely the ultimate results, but in the end US still need to face the reality of descending power in the future.

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