


訂閱RT! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpwvZwUam-URkxB7g4USKpg?sub_confirmation=1

RT LIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFAcqaNzNSc



#RT(Russia Today)是一個全球新聞網路,從莫斯科,倫敦,巴黎和華盛頓的工作室向100多個國家/地區廣播。 RT是第一個突破YouTube觀看次數10億基準的新聞頻道。 。

  1. The casualties murdered by Thug Mulla regime is more than 200!
    When it comes to reporting on Russia's allies, RT is as fake as US's MSM is on reporting Israel.
    Shame on you RT.

  2. I wish youtube shows me who finances other media such as France 24 aljazeera CNN, why should I have to be informed about RT and not others!!!

  3. Oh! Support from the poor is the reason? How very interesting. That would make this another totally unsurprising anti-socialist riot.

    It definitely was a strangely unskillful move though to raise fuel prices 50%, and so similar to other countries. Almost as if they wanted to provoke something.

  4. The Mullahs??????? don't work, don't pay taxes, exempt from military services, …& don't pay for GASOLINE, yet, they get all the RESPECT?????????

  5. As an American I am so tired and disgusted by the constant lies of my
    countries so called leaders. Israel can do no wrong and Russia ,
    Palestine Syria, Iran…ect… is the villains. Sorry to these
    countries, I know that many Americans see the constant lies. American
    Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC acts like a terrorist lobby.
    Are any Americans SICK of this Zionist predator using the USA as a
    thug enforcer. We should be demanding the Nuclear disarming of Israel
    because they are the main aggressors in the Middle east. they are
    causing the displacement and death of so many people.

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