
經過五個月的反政府抗議活動,香港十年來首次陷入衰退。美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)的克里斯蒂·魯·斯托特(Kristie Lu Stout)報告了這座城市日益嚴重的經濟痛苦,並遇到了一位營業額下降90%之後被迫關門的企業主。

#CNN #News。

  1. Oh my God should I cancel my all my reservations and airfare going to Hongkong April next year? What's happening out there is freakin' crazy bad.

  2. Folks never and ever trust China communist government. They try to set up their support network around the world to transfer their communist value around the world. China communist already send out so many underground spy to U.S. We need to wake up before they brain wash our value. Support Freedom to speak support Hong Kong stand for freedom to speak.

  3. In a People's Congress Meeting held in Beijing, "All Chinese Comrades stand to your feet before the Meeting". No one did stand because everyone in the Meeting is holding US or Western citizenship LOL.
    Xi Jinping tells 1.4 Chinese who are mostly poor and uneducated to dream the Chinese dream while Xi and CCP elite comrades dream the American democracy dream!
    Hundreds HK Citizens already slaughtered by commie police dogs since June 2019. No one ever know the exact number killed, many corpses are dumped in ocean or remote places or across the border in china. Many victims' parents or family are working or staying abroad. Some victims are immigrants visiting HK in summer, took part in the protests and killed by police dogs.
    HK police dogs must be dissolved, reformed to a honest, reliable team that must not take corrupted orders from china criminal party.
    China criminal party & Carrie Lam destroy HK overnight that is successfully built up as the world's major financial trading & travelling hub by the British & Americans. HK had been under the British for 150 years that posed no threat to china criminal party ever. Why the F ccp so freaking scared of empty-handed decent HKers after 1997?

    HK police wild dogs are now slaughtering empty-handed civilians with license. The dogs torture, rape, kidnap, harass, disappear and abuse anyone they desire knowing for sure they will be protected and supported by china criminal party in Beijing without having to bear any consequence!! Hundreds if not thousands of young students already been brutally beaten to death or fatally injured by the police wild dogs. This insane mass killing has to be stopped by the world.

    UN, US and World are urged to send peace keeping army ASAP to replace the brutal inhumane commie police wild dogs from killing torturing kidnapping anymore innocent civilians!
    Commie puppets Carrie Lam and police dogs must all sent to jail, tortured and raped in jail just as what they are now doing towards HK Citizens!
    Today Hong Kong, Tomorrow Whole World to be bullied, abused, robbed, scammed, stolen, grabbed, taken away everything and shut up by China criminal party, world's largest and most evil thuggish nation!

  4. The truth of HK is that US GOVERNMENT IS TEACHING AND USING HK CITIZENS ! ! ! It's the first step to make China be chaos just like what they did in the middle east. Nobody really cares HK people whatever in victoria time or nowadays. Because we are the yellow, because we are the eastern world. It's not the struggle between communism and capitalism. It's the battle between the white and yellow, east and west !!!!!!! Most of Americans even don't have time to company their family and thinking about how to increase their salary innit? Do you guys really have time and ability to care for the people on another side of the earth? ———-Just like we have no interest in your life. So please just more think about yourself. Spending more time with your mum is more useful than insulting China's government here.

  5. And the implication is that Hong Kong fared better when they accepted communist rule without complaining. Sure. Tell that to Venezuelans, to the Cubans, to the North Koreans.

  6. These rioters and terrorists do not fight for Hong Kong right or freedom, but only their own selfish interest. They are afraid to compete with their peers in Mainland after having fallen behind in recent years and are simply jealous of the success of others.

  7. America still backing the corrupt government in Iraq so their media won』t mention it even though 300 died and 10000 people injured in peaceful protest till now.

  8. Hongkongers are too greedy. Their five demands will never be met. Even worse, they will lose their freedom they are currently enjoying.

  9. I am envious that the American police can directly exercise their authority, instead of being too gentle like the Hong Kong police. Only those living in Hong Kong can see which side is the real pest and who is really disturbing the social stability with the title of "democracy and freedom".

  10. This is what the western media wants you to see, if you want to believe it you can continue to believe it, but I suggest you take a look at what is happening in Hong Kong.

  11. Representative Scott forgot to tell you that he wants to control every country and play God and decide who is good and who is bad and punish the leaders as he sees fit. Good luck with that dude…you have gone too far with your Sanctions on almost every country in the world. If you write history every Nation is Evil except you. So who is really the Dictator ? Xi or You!?

  12. This is all garbage news – twisting the truth to suit their Agenda…their is no government or leaders in the World American politicians approve of. Washington demonizes all leaders they cannot manipulate or control. Watch many of the Videos on HK to see what is really going on. Beijing and Xi have done nothing to cause the Riots and the Police have not been Violent compared to the Protesters. Propaganda News.

  13. very good the terrorists were educated cia destroy hongkong property and public facilities, just make it, let hongkong destroyed like syrian, let all Chinese see what American-style democracy, let me know and open his eyes if American-style democracy is destroying the lives of the peoples of Asia, American democracy only suitable for Americans and Europeans (basically Caucasians) because basically American-style democracy is enslaving the peoples of Asia & Africa & Arabia with the masters of Caucasians, let Hong Kong be destroyed so that Hong Kong residents feel the ugliness of democracy, after that let Hong Kong kill terrorists especially Joshua Wong and his friend the leader who became a CIA agent

  14. The way they are protesting is messed up. They need to stop violence cause it ain』t getting them anywhere. But I』m not going to stop them from fighting for there freedom. Chinese citizens need to wake up and fight for their rights.

    This is my way of looking at it and I don』t want anyone replying with rude stuff. You can reply respectfully and deny with my way of looking at it.

  15. People are surprised at the fact they are getting violent. They have been getting beaten, raped and killed out there. They are going to get violent after a while

  16. 請美國政府世界人民站起來與香港人民站在一起,打倒中國共產黨,我住在大陸,這裡根本沒有人權和自由,我醒悟了!世界人民打倒共產黨!

  17. Supporting rioters, American is not suitable to be the world leader any more. German or French should take the leader place of the U.S..

  18. Assuming that without the training and support of the CIA, Hong Kong will be peaceful and healthy. Now, with the United States and China competing for Hong Kong, Hong Kong is likely to be torn and crushed. The destruction of Hong Kong has no effect on the United States, but it has a great impact on China. Therefore, the Chinese government has handled Hong Kong very carefully and is extremely patient. In the mainstream media, democracy is natural and correct. Almost all journalists believe that everything is reasonable as long as it is for democracy and freedom. This political correctness is a powerful weapon of the United States, but it has caused misfortune in almost all developing countries and can be aggressed and destroyed for democracy.


  19. you can tell that Americans are really full of themselves
    the recession of HK has nothing to do with the "trade war"
    give you some data here
    China's retail sales increased 7.5% in August and 7.8% in September meanwhile HK's retail sales have plummeted 23% in August and 18.3% in September
    WHY ? cause people stopped coming to Hong Kong

  20. The HK police tactics are only making matters worse. If the police went home most of the protesters would go home also. It's only going to get worse if the police tactics stay the same. The police aren't restoring order, they are creating and adding to the disorder. They have completely pissed off the public at large. i.e. the people they are not supposed to piss off, but instead protect. Basically the police have turned the crowd against them metaphorically and literally. They should only confront serious situations and otherwise withdraw completely. Call off the chase. The more attention this gets the worse it will get. No question. That is as sure as night follows day. 100% certainty.

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