
伊朗激怒了抗議者,伊朗政府將汽油價格提高了至少50%,周六與警察發生衝突,造成至少一人死亡。英國廣播公司(BBC)記者吉亞爾·戈爾(Jiyar Gol)解釋了實地發生的情況以及政府的反應。






75多年來,加拿大廣播公司一直是CBC新聞的來源,以使他們了解自己的社區,他們的國家和他們的世界。通過CBC電視台,CBC新聞網,CBC廣播電台,CBCNews.ca,移動和點播等多個平台上的區域和國家節目,CBC新聞及其國際知名的屢獲殊榮的記者團隊提供了突發新聞,分析和對加拿大人重要的性格。 。

  1. The Iranian people need demokrati and freedom. You are skilled people and I know You fight for human rights including women rights. Please continue in that way. I respect Your country, and your right to make Your own decisions about law and the future. I Have talked to several iranian visiting my country. They are skilled and good folks. Unfortunately most of your folk do not have that opportunity.
    For the future I hope we frequently and frilly can join, to solve those big problems we all have to face. – And, I am sorry for Your los. Writing from Norway. Sincere Peter.

  2. Love how her script is slanted to the left..the Iranian people are pissed off that their leaders are spending money on missiles and not spending it on helping their people..

  3. All of this is coming to America. Plz start preparing with guns ammunition food water and medicines. War will come to American soil. If not sooner then later. We will be invaded by the U.N China and Russia. We in the "Truth Movement" have been warning ppl for a long time but few listen

  4. Iran is not in danger of being invaded by anyone. The only threat in the past was Iraq and their military is not under the control of saddam Hussein anymore. The people of the U.S. do not want their sons and daughters fighting in Iran. The regimes' policies of funneling money to islamists in neighboring countries and their nuclear program is what has caused the people of Iran to become disallusioned with theocratic rule. Who in the world believes that elections in Iran are fair ? Why does a country with vast deposits of oil need a nuclear program on the level that the Iranian government is pursuing? Why raise the price of a commodity that is abundant ? Everyone in the world knows that the real governing power in Iran is not with the people. It's with religious leaders. Theocratic rule is a form of government that is destined to end worldwide. How long it will last in Iran , no one knows. Too much power is in the hands of a small group of religious zealots in Iran. Power should be returned to the people. Religion is good. It has its place. But that place is not in government. Until that changes, Iran and its people will suffer. And blaming their problems on other countries is just an excuse to distract the people as to who is really keeping them down.

  5. I'm from iran and i support our government … it's not your business…. we will build our country… long live Islamic republic of Iran..

  6. This problems was created by America, Israel and it's Allies…

    Who give America the power to sanction other nation's???

    Don't trust BBC,CNN and other Western Media…

    View and understand news, highlights and information from others Media such as Russia Today(RT), Al Jazeera and TRT…

    Then you can think and clear your mind of what's really happen…

    Human have pair of eye(2eyes) and pair of ear(2ear)… This give is to look from other angle and hear from other angle before make conclusion.

  7. We urge Western democratic countries to support the nation of Iran against the tyrant regime of Tehran. %99.99 of Iranian population showed how much they disprove the regime of Tehran mullahs .

  8. Uncle Salakmadine these are the times in which brother go against brother sister against sister house against house father against son nation against nation. The house is being rent from the top to the bottom. Where those that told lies and pretended to be others – using their names in deceitful manners. But the good righteous just and true repentful souls will prevail against the wicked of their own houses.

  9. Name me one powerful country that don』t do like Iran that spend so much money in their security and yet million of people live in or near poverty,military power is a guaranteed future security otherwise no point in living riches that can be taken at any given time by the warmongers

  10. These iranian burnt its neighbors thinking they could run away with this new world order of theres but now they are tasting their own poison. Wrath of Allah is on iranian gov & shah ismail's bastarrrds.

  11. If the people of Iran don』t overthrow the current regime, they will end up like the people of North Korea!
    Slaves to the dictatorship!

  12. Iranians know who the bad guys are and they ain't the Americans. They live next door, down the street, the red guard. Take them out one at a time in underground movements. Its been done by the people for centuries. Look at the best, the mossad, the French underground, the sons of liberty in america. Age old tactics all the way back to the Assyrians.

  13. Iranians are paying 49 CENTS PER GALLON…gee and they have nice new cars…when do US get to riot about $2.89 per gallon and own a 20 year old car? We are too docile here.

  14. Killer Mullahs on the rampage. Iranians in bondage fighting back. Now the Persians are the 300 Spartans fighting for freedom and democracy.

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