香港:抗議活動失去動力了嗎? | DW新聞


#香港 。

  1. The real journalists reporting without bias are now rare in HK. Holmes Chan is NOT one of them. This is very selective info. Rubbish. Misleading.

  2. DW please Play the complete Video ,why policemen arrested journalists? Because some of them were fake journalists who threw bricks to policemen as well as helped criminals to escape by stocking policemen!

  3. ??中國香港,這批暴徒會為自己的行為付出代價的,中國gcd是你們這些小丑能挑戰得嗎?葉不想想,700年以後看有沒有機會!

  4. IF Americans have been behind the protests and riots in Hong Kong, then they must have planned and wanted that the protests in Hong Kong would spread into mainland China and spark a bigger fire, that other Chinese all over China would join the protestors in Hong Kong, which would then challenge and put pressures on Beijing. Hong Kong is really just the peanut; the real goal is to use Hong Kong to bring down the Chinese government. Here is the miscalculation: for the Hong Kong protests to spread into the mainland and to other Chinese people, for other Chinese people to join the protestors in Hong Kong, those protestors would have to gain the support and sympathy of other Chinese. Yet that is exactly what the Hong Kong protestors had failed to do; in fact, they had done the exact opposite.

    Instead, the Hong Kong protestors kept chanting, "we are not Chinese," " we do not want to be Chinese," and they waved US flag, sang US anthem — remind you, the flag and anthem of a hostile nation that is in a (cold/trade) war with Chinese. Chinese people everywhere have seen those videos. Chinese nationals and even Chinese ethnics — including those that who may otherwise disagree, dislike and do not support the Chinese communist government — see those actions, behaviors and words of Hong Kong protestors as being traitorous and treasonous: "you can disagree with the government, but do not trash Chinese," yet that was exactly the unforgivable offense committed against Chinese by the Hong Kong protestors. Other Chinese see Hong Kong protestors as being traitorous and treasonous — not just to China, (i.e., the country or the government,) but to the Chinese identity, to the Chinese culture, the Chinese heritage, and the Chinese people. Chinese citizens and Chinese ethnics see Hong Kong protestors as "漢奸", "走狗", and "賣國賊". For that reason, Chinese people have turned against the Hong Kong protestors – and would never join or support those protestors.

    And, after losing the support of Chinese people, the Hong Kong uprising is effectively contained inside Hong Kong. The protests/riots/uprising/whatever has zero chance of ever expanding, spreading or sparking a bigger fire – because it has no chance of gaining support from other Chinese citizens or even Chinese ethnics, who have already been antagonized, offended and upset by the traitorous and treasonous actions, behaviors and words of Hong Kong protestors. As long as the protests/riots/uprising do not spread or turn into something bigger, the Hong Kong protestors do not threaten the power of Chinese Communist Party in the mainland. The CCP has nothing to fear. Which is why Beijing will not bother to directly intervene in Hong Kong to crack down on the protests/riots/whatever.

  5. A big letdown for Jimmy the SHAM (no pun intended) who was counting on his previously over-exaggerated "million" turnouts, even to the extent of faking his own attack in order to drum up the sympathy votes.

  6. The number taking part in such unlawful acts is dwindling because the movement has lost its moral grounds with their delusional actions. They are left with only one option which is to increase the violence in order to keep them in the media spotlight.

  7. So police violently assaulted anyone at sight before protests even began? Nice tactics with Chinese characteristics, no wonder China has become so successful.

  8. very good the terrorists were educated cia destroy hongkong property and public facilities, just make it, let hongkong destroyed like syrian, let all Chinese see what American-style democracy, let me know and open his eyes if American-style democracy is destroying the lives of the peoples of Asia, American democracy only suitable for Americans and Europeans (basically Caucasians) because basically American-style democracy is enslaving the peoples of Asia & Africa & Arabia with the masters of Caucasians, let Hong Kong be destroyed so that Hong Kong residents feel the ugliness of democracy, after that let Hong Kong kill terrorists especially Joshua Wong and his friend the leader who became a CIA agent

  9. China will burn the whole city and rebuild it with blood and bones but will never allow democracy… They consider democracy same as Cancer, you better cut the whole organ than let it spread… But It's matter of time to see how hk people find Their way to establish democracy.

  10. Why there is no coverage on the demonstrstions in Iraq about 250 were killed and thousands were injured ,i guess that countrys news only sell where its has to do with oil or fear mongering from terrorists ..

  11. The places Hillary Clinton supports are in ruins! Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine! Now it's Hong Kong. BBC CNN fox will tell you that the "injured child" who has made up has become the "blind girl" in Hong Kong! It's time to fight for freedom! As for how many people died, I'm sorry, that's China's problem! The Chinese didn't say anything about the American shooting! Although they have this nonsense of "freedom"

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