

?總統哈桑·魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)的政府實施了汽油配給,價格從每升約8美分提高到13美分。





  1. They killed 200 protesters and kids also with bullet in head , they get money for gives their family , their dead body for furnual its just for gas price? Its the end of regims they says روحت شاد رضا شاه that means they want sons of shah

  2. WE HAVE A HUGE economy. ECONOMY INFLATION IN USA ISREAL MESSED UP USA TOO BY GIVING ALL JOBS TO THEIR GANG SUPPORTER N CAUSING MANY AMERICAN JOBLESS N HOMELESS. ISREAL SUPPORT ILLEGAL MEXICAN GANG BRING THEM TO OUR COUNTRY ILLEGALLY SUPPORT THEM GIVING EM JOB NEACH big land to send em to army to kill other country and mess up Americans lives All the jobs goes to Mexican Jews from any where n ISREAL gang. Americans r jobless some homeless on st. All American benefit or free grAnt are given to ISREAL gan. Who r also killing taping Americans inside the country. But Americans have no freedom of speech or loose automatically

  3. Cash handouts? Lmao. Kinda sounds like what California is doing, taxing the shit out of us, then giving out free shit to illegals. ??‍♂️

  4. We support the freedom protestors against the brutal theocratic regim. Reza Pahlavi is the ideal candidate to lead the future of Iran into economic prosperity, social freedom and peace in the region.

  5. The price of fuel in iran is insanely cheap. Don't let them fool you into thinking otherwise. It's good that the sanctions are working. Iran seems to do whatever it wants in other people's countries. Pay back time.

  6. So what if the oil price is increased. With public money how can a country government makes a budget. US embargo has strained the government of money.

  7. Shame on Iranian Government. Yes, I agree. But, if you think about it real hard, you'll conclude that the real Shame is on those who believed the Islamist in the 70s ( controlled by the BBC ) who said: Death to the Shah!!!


    The West Excersising It's Oppressive Colonial Powers. Evil Western Colonialism Oppression Still Exists And We All Still Suffer.
    They've been destroying countries forever.
    Malcolm X – How the White Man Taught You How To Hate Yourself and Your People and your Culture

  9. اون ویدیوها رو نشون نمیدین که «شورشی ها» ریختن خونه و زندگی مردم رو آتیش زدن؟ اونها که با اسلحه به نیرو انتظامی و کردم شلیک میکردن چی؟ نه؟ اوه اوکی.

  10. İran people must be rich and free,but only mollas , iranian state members are rich and free !!! So I am sad for İran,I pray them, love from Istanbul to Tahran

  11. People of Iran bravely fighting for their freedom…..While in the U.S. a bunch pansies whine, cry, and stomp their feet, because they lost an election

  12. I saw a video a long time ago about how a gallon of gas in Iraq was like $0.75 . I would assume a gallon in Iran would be cheap also with all their oil supply.

  13. 10 nov. 2019
    Iran's announcement of finding new oilfield with 53 billion barrels of crude
    15 nov. 2019
    Iran's authorities announced the increase of gas price by three times which it leads to mass anti-government demonstrations in more than 70 cities.
    it's time for the international community to address the fishy games that the dictator Khamenei play

  14. Pompeo took to Twitter on the same day, supporting the violent acts of rioters and writing, 「As I said to the people of Iran almost a year and a half ago: The United States is with you.」

    Reacting to Pompeo』s 「interventionist」 remarks, Iran』s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi on Sunday said, 「The dignified people of Iran are well aware that such hypocritical remarks contain no honest sympathy and the [violent] actions of a group of anarchists and saboteurs who are supported by the likes of him are by no means in line with the conduct and behaviour of the majority of the understanding and insightful Iranian people.」

  15. Rouhani referred to the recent protests in some Iranian cities against the government』s measure, which were at times marred with violence, saying holding protest rallies was a natural right of the people.

    「After implementing this plan, we saw that some people took to the streets to protest. I believe that it is natural when the administration implements a plan and not everyone agrees to it. Some people may be opposed [to that plan] and they have the right to give voice to their opposition,」 Iran's president said.

  16. Here's what our sanctions cause . Forced instability and unrest . Terrible policy for regime change but it's tried and true and seems to work perfectly . Sad day for humanity .

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