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  1. A list of things done in HK thus far by these rioters whom western media and politicians call 'peaceful protesters, wanting democracy and freedom':

    *Stabbing policemen with knives

    *Destroying entire streets by digging up bricks and rocks

    *Throwing rocks at police

    * Throwing bricks at police

    * Shining high powered laser into the eyes of police and elderly HK citizens who do not support their violence

    * beaten up countless of Hong Kongers, especially mob violence against the single handed elderly, men and women, resulting in bloodied heads, mouths, eyes, noses etc

    * threw acid on policemen

    * used catapults at the police, ended up hitting and blinding a female protestor (and thus less and less catapults were utilised since then)

    * torching cars of other Hong Kongers

    * harrassing and doxxing people who were interviewed by the media, including their workplace and families (till now many Hong Kongers are fearful to appear on camera)

    * stoning an elderly Hong Konger in the head after a verbal exchange, old man died

    * threw molotov cocktails / petrol bombs at police

    * threw molotov cocktails / petrol bombs at elderly Hong Kongers trying to clear the debris after a night's rioting

    * setting fire and burning a man alive who didn't agree with their anti-social behaviour

    * blockaded entire roads and streets, not allowing any vehicle nor pedestrian to pass, people cannot go to work, children cannot go to school and elderly cannot go home, resulting in scores of people stranded….. if anyone complains on social media….. they are doxxed and they and their family harrassed and threatened

    * stormed and destroyed the parliament building, raised the UK flag and US flags on sovereign territory

    * multiple attempts to snatch police guns

    * Using bows and arrows at the police, hitting police officers with the shot arrows, piercing through

    * so far, about 3 elderly men killed by these masked mobs, plenty more in hospitals or at home with injury

    * destroyed banks

    * destroyed shops of innocent Hong Kongers

    * destroyed stores belonging to global multinational companies

    * destroyed and set fire to many MTR train stations

    * purposely threw debris to derail trains

    * derailed trains with passengers in them, causing untold injuries

    * making up stories of police brutality

    * charging at the police with batons, poles, baseball bats, umbrellas

    * used the suicide of a 15 year old girl due to mental illness as a false story of police brutality, claiming she was killed by police

    * the suicide victim's mom was interviewed and she shared that her daughter was suffering from mental illness and she reviewed all CCTV footage of the day, it was a clear suicide and had nothing to do with the protests nor police, and was doxxed by angry rioters for not allowing them to use her daughter as a martyr, and harrassed, given death threats and hunted down, even when she is grieving the death and loss of her daughter

    * occupied and destroyed universities

    * made thousands of petrol bombs during the occupation, more than 4000 were found

    * occupied and forced the national airport to shut down

    * occupied the airport and prevented travellers and foreigners from flying, leaving many in tears and literally begging the rioters to let them go home

    * destroyed traffic lights

    * destroyed street lamps

    * destroyed sidewalks

    * destroying taxis and cars

    * setting fire to multiple vehicles near the universities

    Feel free to add your own

    Most of them would have gotten shot by the police in most western countries, especially in the USA.

    So let's not be hypocrites here.


  3. I support the HK police 100% who risked their lives every day to keep innocent civilians from terrorism. Support terrorism are terrorists themselves!

  4. Ok so let』s just clear this up firstly I do not agree with the violence from the protesters. But for the most part they were not violent until the police used force and brutality. ( cornering them in the mtr, shooting at close point range etc) the protesters are angry and rightly so. It』s easy to judge but imagine if your like myself almost 40 years on this earth of being able to say what you want do what you want source information from anywhere and any country you want to then know all that will be taken away from you and from your kids. I have family in hk and what the western media shows you is different from what they show me. For all those people questioning why they have the us and British flag they are not wanting to be from those countries they want help from those countries they are Hong kongers and proud of it. They are not from China Hong kongers have their own culture own views own laws own language they are different to mainlanders in every way possible they are nothing of the same. As for Jackie chan he is an absolute china puppet and probably the biggest traitor to hk there is along with Carrie Lam. Every interview he does it』s in mandarin. If you want to reason with Hong kongers speak Cantonese. You turned you back on hk for money don』t forget without hk you would have been nothing but a stuntman

  5. HK actors have contributed a lot by making movies and money

    They defined my childhood. And everytime i saw Natalis Chan's face, i can't help but laugh.. but this is serious

    What have the riotroaches contributed to society?

    Absolutely fuckin nothing

  6. When ever i see jackie chan, a tear rolled down my face ?? since he made my childhood awesome…. and of course he's gonna love his hometown, also as an actor he did so many great things and he inspired so many people, but all these youngsters in this generation knows only how to destroy everything around them, all these protesters are stupid and so evil not knowing the right way to create solutions.. ?

  7. 中國政府無需用臟手進入香港, 放重犯進入香港, 設備齊全, (embed with GPS, ID Chips) 沒送中,沒面具法, 一定會有劇好看, .好好感恩祖國!
    邊境封鎖, 封鎖海港口, 切食物, 缺水, 沒電, 沒工作, 一個月完了!馬上結束! 撲街! 冚家鏟!

  8. Peace will reign in Hongkong if the Police understand that it is the will of the People of Hongkong that they are fighting. Hongkong Police is hurting the Citizens of Hongkong. Learn from History of the People Power of 1986.

  9. Just because their famous… because their owned by the Chinese government and if you don』t listen you』ll end up like fan bing bing

  10. Give a thumb up for Jackie! He speaks in noble mandarin- the national language of Chinese & predominantly spoken worldwide – rather than the crude street Cantonese dialect with lots of DLMs.

  11. How to you expect Head Prefect, Carrie Lam, to handle a schoolboy and schoolgirl riot led by CIA operatives and backed the WASP media? She's has no chance. You need to call in the Gurkas.

  12. Who loves Hong Kong, supports the police and the government, it is time for all Chinese to speak out and show their main purpose.

  13. These crooks started off their fame and wealth through Hong Kong, will lose their position there forever! Now at 60s – 70s is making little dishonest immoral corrupted rmb so important to these crooks??

  14. In a People's Congress Meeting held in Beijing, "All Chinese Comrades stand to your feet before the Meeting". No one did stand because everyone is holding US or Western citizenship LOL. Xi Jinping tells 1.4 Chinese who are mostly poor and unskilled to dream the Chinese dream while Xi and his elite comrades dream the American democracy dream!!

    Today Hong Kong, Tomorrow Whole World to be bullied, robbed, abused, scammed, grabbed, slaughtered and shut up by China criminal party, world's largest and most evil thuggish nation!!

    Hundreds HK Citizens already slaughtered by commie police dogs since June 2019. No one ever know the exact number killed, many corpses are dumped in ocean or remote places or across the border in china. Many victims' parents or family are working or staying abroad. Some victims are immigrants visiting HK in summer, took part in the protests and killed by police dogs.

    HK police dogs must be dissolved, reformed to a honest, reliable team that must not take corrupted orders from china criminal party.

    Commie puppets Carrie Lam and police dogs must all sent to jail, tortured and raped in jail just as what they are now doing towards HK Citizens!!

  15. The Hong Kong residents should united together, especially those families who children's that are taking part in the riots. They should kick their children's out, show them no mercy.

  16. Sorry to say but,

    The Rioters outnumbered the Police. Without backup Police from Mainland, there will be no "Stabilize condition" in HK.

  17. Thank you, famous HK actors for coming up to appeal to end violence and restore order. We appreciate the risk you are taking in so doing. We all share the hope that HK will return to its former prosperity and peace. My appeal to them is not to destroy our home.

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