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  1. Australia should ask Trump for an economic stimulus similar from China during last GFC since Ozzie diggers are still dying for USA's foreign policies. So please do.

  2. china own our economy they stoll our housing market farms goverment let them they stoll our industires lets put 150% tarrif and put end to slave labour in china people are using bitcoin so goverment dont steal money from its own people bitcoin is being used more and more in china

  3. Doesn't make any sense. China and Au. and do whatever they want – US is not stopping that. As for China/US, it's better to disengage – it's just not going to work out. Hopefully no trade deal happens, and higher tariffs going both ways will continue.

  4. Evils five Eyes Countries Canada "Australia"New Zealand"Britain and American had gathered together against China growth and their influence in the world. Australia had taken the side to American against China. But they're going to suffer Economically soon or Later

  5. A POEM: By GBK Wong
    China Proud, Chinese pride to
    World peace.

    I could see
    I could see
    As far as my eyes could see.
    To the horizon of the landscape;
    The Yangtze, meandering along and around the hills and the mountains.
    From the mountain top of the Himalayas to the delta of the Yangtze River.

    The great wall of China!
    The great lands of China!
    Providing for the great peoples of the lands
    As it has been for thousands of years!
    As it will continue to nuture, feed, and provide all the needs of all of its inhibitants.
    For many more thousands of generations into the future!
    Rise up!
    Rise up!
    Rise up!
    To China's glory!
    Lets China again rise to its potentials and glory!

    Oh can you see?
    Can you see?
    Where this great nation is heading?
    Rise up!
    Rise up!
    Let China rise up to its potentials and it's glory !
    Our nation's leadership led by President Xi maintains a steady hand, making sure the ship sails decisively on towards her many goals for her many peoples and ethnicities.

    Even the typhoon winds and storms are tamed by his abled leadership as well as with his team's leadership at the CPC.
    With confidence, he will steer the sails along the course to prosperity and security.
    Harnassing the winds to serve on his charting of the paths to glory!
    Earth quakes would be overcomed by his leadership
    For he would pull in, resouces to handle and recover quickly, if such occurrences as they do happened occasionally.

    Rise up !
    Rise up !
    And sing to the pride and glory of the Chinese peoples.
    From the mainland to Taiwan island
    From Macau island to Hainan island
    From Fijian province to Xinjiang As from Tibet to Heilongjiang…

    Just as well as we include our brothers and sisters in Singapore, in South East Asia as in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and to the Philippines.
    Onward still to Africa, to Europe to the USA as well as to South America and to Australia even India.
    To Canada and to Japan and the Koreas on to Russia with of course to the Middle East and around the world….

    Let's see China rise !
    Let Chinese sing to the glory for mankind.
    Let China be the Beacon of light To lead the world for peace and good neighbor with respect and leadership backed up with kindness.

    Be the shining friends and neighbors to the world in economics, basic human rights, Observing laws, as well as leaders in AI technologies, and agricultural productions to feed all.
    Including China's borned; industry leaders from Alibaba or Huawei and many others new and old.

    Let the red flag with the golden stars shines and show what it might stands for including :
    The modern engines of symbol  to build for world peace rather than others who build the machines to destroy in wars.
    Let the 1.4 billion in majority who respect the flag and the nation of laws and orders speak out loud to the world.

    Let's be the patriots who stand guard to respect the flag.
    Protect it from all fronts to prevent foreign interference as in Hong Kong, Taiwan or Xinjiang.
    Yes, to protect the majority rights and security of the 1.4 billion majority!
    Let the youths listen and learn from the wisdom of the elders.

    Let the calls of the Chinese motherland of "long mountains" continue to shines ever so bright.
    Let's be proud of your Chinese heritage.
    Rise up when China shines.
    And together let's the world too.
    For China shine with you!

  6. Australia is another trade partner that China has antagonized and outraged with its arrogant behavior. China is like a child that refuses to behave. Grow up China!!

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