[10.20] 大規模和平遊行被防暴警察#香港#抗議








  1. There is one reason why any form of violence – apart from self-defense – should never be used: It supplies the Chinese Communist Party with "material" they use for their propaganda against HK. I empathize their emotions. The US is currently expeirencing an attack on its freedom of expression. If we all stand together, who can stand against us? We can make our "Ideal Home" now, when DEMS and REPS untie for the first time, and respect Our Basic Human Rights.

    P.S. I become emotional when I see politicians banter about either, how cows are the leading cause of "Climate Change" or how to impeach our sitting president, especially when there are 20th century atrocities occurring in China daily. We are better than this, and history has show that. We must strive forward, to achieve the "Great Peace"

  2. Look at all of your action before complaining… you do not put all blame on all police. Yesterday』s Hongkong was all because of the police, today』s HK was caused by all of you

  3. There were peaceful democratic riots occurring in Taiwan where politicians were throwing slippers and shoes at each other cursing Gan ni Niang! While the Japanese were enjoying Food Porno while their politicians take the opportunity to invade everyone "Red Alert 3 style". The Koreans playing a game of archery where they fire missiles to all invaders coming from all sides. Hong Kong discreetly prisons and locks away radical extremism so they can execute them and turn into high-quality beef or pork. All this occurring while China continues to rapidly reproduce and have increased public nudity sighted around subway trains due to suppression of obsolete policies. They are considering introducing a 5 child policy where you are provided incentives to have babies and a bonus is added if it is a girl to combat it's tradition sexist preference of having males. You would be able to choose if you want to follow either your father's or mother's surname. (Or acquire your GodFather or Sugar Daddy's Surname instead) Voluntarily military services will be implemented and compulsory for all genders at the age of 15. (This includes transgender, homosexuals, straight(male/female), mutants, aliens, long term foreign residents.)

  4. HK police is out of control , they using way too many teargas , this gas is not only damaging the protestors bit the people living nearby. Using that much teargas in a public spaces its just stupid 😡 also i watched the whole protest , we can see it was peaceful before police arive and start firing rubber bullets and teargas , so lets blame protestors i guess for causing the chaos? Also i saw a lot of comment from people that the protestors destroying shops and looting the stuff from the shops, they are many videos online , also in this stream you can see , protestors didnt touched one item, why? Because they dont need these items , they want a future … a freedom … Not a 3$ pack of chips 😡 Also why they destroying those shops? Because they are linked to mainland china and those brands supporting people that trying to kill protestors. Even Lucas showed it on this stream how other shops are not damaged , only those who are linked to china. Also on other question why protestors using masks and glasses , well you can answer this question yourself but if you cant heres the simple answer , bullets are flying towards them nonstop , also tear gas has been used as i said in large amout. Of course they will wear protection. Thank you for reading! I hope you guys stop hating on protestors because they doing something most of you has no balls to do it , they stand their ground , they fighting for their rights and freedom, if you call them cowards while sitting comfortable behind a screen than we all can see who the real coward is. Thank you once again guys and Thank you Lucas for showing on world everything they need to know. Stay safe!❤️?

  5. Volunteers, minorities, protesters and others stood at the gate to the Kowloon Mosque during the protest, holding signs pleading for people not to attack any ethnic minority people or buildings. While some handed out supplies, others led chants, and passing marchers loudly cheered them on.

    But only a few hours later, a police truck unleashed a cascade of blue water at the mosque, hitting the people who had been guarding it. The blue dye is used to identify demonstrators.

    Passersby were left choking and vomiting, and the steps of the mosque were stained blue. Phillip Khan, a prominent businessman in the Muslim community standing outside the mosque, called the act an 「insult to Islam.」

    「It is ridiculous. The police just went mad,」 said Jeremy Tam, a pro-democracy lawmaker, his pants and shoes soaked blue and his eyes bloodshot. 「We came here to protect the mosque against protesters, but it was the police that did this.

    「Why make such a scene when it was just peaceful?」

    Nawaz, a 36-year-old Pakistani man who has lived in Hong Kong for 25 years, emerged to see the blue-stained road after the cannon had sped past.

    「I have such a bad feeling seeing this,」 he said. 「This is our religion. How can they do this? Only the police are giving us pressure, not the protesters.」 Like others, he declined to give his family name for fear of backlash from authorities.


  6. please don't use peaceful protest… coz both side has their fair share of violence. just because a shop is from China, does not give them the rights to burn it down… its barbaric.

  7. So as I understand it Chile students have been protesting for the past 6 month regarding the need free quality education and now they are protesting train ticket hikes is that right

  8. Thank you for showing the western society what is going on in HK. The police is getting out of hand and abuse their power, they have also been beating young protesters to death and dump their bodies in random places and report them as suicides

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