
5月17日-台灣執政黨將對婚姻平等法進行具有里程碑意義的投票,這將使其成為亞洲第一個使同性婚姻合法化的地方。彭博社的山姆·埃利斯(Sam Ellis)報道了「彭博市場:亞洲」。

  1. They did not "force it through". The high court ruling gave them no choice. You cannot break the law to satisfy anyone – even a majority. That is what it means to have an independent judiciary. They had TWO YEARS to do it!

  2. i don't see what the big deal is about it really. jeez this is why gotta keep religion out of politics stuff like this happens after that who the heck cares?

  3. Traditional Chinese culture is not the main reason why this topic was being boiled. Chinese culture is reflectively open to gay relationships. The main reason is always those fucking Christine fanatics

  4. you give them rights to marriage and now they are already in the process of arguing for rights to adopt kids and to change the definition of marriage in Taiwanese textbooks…this is just ridiculous….i really could care less about gays getting married but leave the fucking kids alone

  5. Pederasts are everywhere! People of the world are now glad that Taiwan pederasts got their legal right to fuck other men's hairy and smelly chocolate factories.

  6. As a Taiwanese I'm sick and disgusted that you are concerned about Taiwan's marriage equality law . Hope everyone can have "normal" love they deserved.

  7. I'm American and I support China Taking over Taiwan to reinstate the ban on gay marriage it seems like every other country going backwards while china is going forward.

  8. Doesn't marraige come from a heterosexual concept of unifying two families then having children to continue their line? Why do gay people need to get married?

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