

10:36-Google表示「 Pixel 4面部解鎖」修復程序已經「幾個月」了
16:14-「 Pwnagotchi」是吃掉Wi-Fi握手信號的開源手持設備
26:49-擬議中的法律將使「 b字」在大​​眾中成為非法

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前奏和外奏音樂作者:Kevin MacLeod(incompetech.com)
根據知識共享許可:通過Attribution 3.0許可

  1. I think Krista may have some pretty intense dietary allergies. Probably to milk. That's how my voice sounds if I drink a glass of milk…

  2. @Level1Techs
    What has Windows Done ?
    Facial Recognition Deleting Personal Pictures / Photos From Galleries For Not Accepting Facial Recognition Software !
    WUT THE PUCK ???

  3. Expansion of the universe. Time / space is still inflating (inflation theory). As all the matter moves further apart gravity weakens and the expansion increases.

  4. Unrelated: Instagram also censors right wing pages. There was a page that was on facebook that used to make fun of feminists, it acted as a leftist feminist activist, but writed totally absurd stuff that went along with the leftist way of thinking which ended up exposing how hipocritical their way of thinking is. They gave up on facebook because they were constantly being taken down for violation, even though the page's theme was comedy or something. They haven't been taken down from Instagram yet, but eve if you search them, they won't show up in the results. I don't know what you'd call that kind of censor.

  5. Engagement: As a hunter, you do want to give the animal some after you shoot it to pass. Assuming you were successful and got clean shot the animal will bolt off in a random direction, not get very far and then collapse, however it still takes a few minutes so I was taught to wait 10-15 minutes (depending on outside weather). If you got a poor shot such as a wound or one that will kill the animal but slower you'll need to wait the same amount, but be always be prepared for a follow up shot.

  6. Bacon is much better and easier to cook in a oven versus a pan. Put on a rack which is on a cookie sheet pan (tin foil for easier cleaning). Put it in a cold oven, turn oven to three hundred, expect about 15 to 20 minutes for crispy bacon. You're welcome.

  7. Boston Calling is a huge yearly festival located in the Boston area with major artists like any other festival. The show is like Coachella-lite in Boston during the warmer months.

    Our police have a habit of pushing ethical boundaries, considering their direct proximity to the military industrial complex in Massachusetts. We got em all here! That means departments are being solicited and lobbied by these companies without oversight. It』s awful

  8. Should film the next news on a Facebook portal, imagine it awkwardly panning between the three of em, trying to figure out who is the main speaker…

  9. LOL tiny bubbles! This is straight of out adventure Time!!! Finn puts some glasses on and they're all knowledge glasses so he knows everything and it does a zoom in scene where the atoms become tint universes and then as it zooms it zooms in on one and it ends up being the universe we're in

  10. I gotta say, when you guys first started in the early episodes of the L1 News, it was a bit dry. But the three of you have really developed good "TV" personalities. Each of you has a unique personality that compliment each other well. Great job guys!! ?

  11. " one idiot always ruins everything " = just one example of why a democracy always end up giving power to a nazi in disguise. If this minority is WRONG about a particular solution about a particular situation and they get what they want …that equal what we have today which is a world full of metoo, feminazism, soyboy cucks, antifa, and other brain-dead humans instigating the wrong type of change. One ext of this is boot whoopins to kids that need it. You got dhs knocking down doors and taking kids away from families are who ACTUALLY trying to discipline them properly to teach them right from wrong so that the system ( jails and prisons) aka tax dollars won't be paying for their mistakes. no child left behind is another perfect example of a brain-dead dead in the water upon arrival flawed piss poor excuse of an educational plan.

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