[10.14] 香港人權與民主集會法令(英文)#香港#抗議







  1. Keep up a good fight! I already foreseeing CCP planning to ship all Hong Kongers to detention camps in mainland China like what they are doing to the Uighur Muslims

  2. As for the NBA, These fools have everything, yet say nothing. HK young people risk all, even death to speak. These NBA players are not men, but mere boys playing at being men. Real men fight for freedom, not a check #NBAexit

  3. I salute the HK people for they are committed and sacrificing so much, some even their lives
    for democracy. For most of us, democracy has been taken for granted. I love HK and may GOD protect the HK people!

  4. The brit cop to legislative councillor "If the violence stops the police will leave"
    The brit cop to legislative councillor "You sir are a disgrace to the legislative council"

    Me to brit cop… You sir are a disgrace to law & order.

  5. "American love Hong Kong," Whoever you are? talking in favor of the policy of Hong Kong are Chinese Communist bastards. we know in China you don't have the freedom to blog on the internet. "the communist can eat sh** and die"

  6. With all do respect to all the people in Hongkong that are fighting for freedom….why choose American flag? Pls!!! the American democracy is a farce!!! Usa is not better than China!!!

  7. Democracy is mob mentality ruling. You want property ownership in perpetuity, I get that, why not just put that on your agenda, be more specific with what you demand. Stop calling democracy as the all in one that will treat all your symptoms. There is no need to call upon foreign intervention, and wouldn』t calling the UN more appropriate than naming US directly? What has the US DONE that is actually good for any country when they intervened, look at Venezuela, they sanction the country so it can』t trade with any other nations, then call it a humanitarian crisis, and goes in and tries to install a US backed leader that nobody supports, and that』s failed miserably. The corruption continues…. it hasn』t been good it the public wherever they go.

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