[10.11] 防暴警察破壞了和平的夜晚。 (英語)#香港#抗議







  1. I got CHICO here … nice cat, brings me much joy as well … take care, and stay strong … there's a long fight ahead … and many will sacrifice much to find peace and liberty!

  2. A few weeks ago one poor, lone man, was arrested at an MTR station. He too was a foreigner and he did not stand a chance.

  3. Good morn. Lucas, at my age, sickly i can't stay up late, but at least i can see the replay. Thank you so much. God bless. Do take care of urself, make sure U eat well and rest well as we need you.

  4. wish that some of the worlds entertainers or at least Americas….top bands get together and put on a Woodstock type of event to help make awareness and draw support for you guys

  5. Thank you for translation for us Westerners.
    Chilli the HKPF has now gone from "Asia's Finest" to an organisation of government backed alleged Rapists, Murderers and Child abusers

    In the law of averages there MUST be long serving Hong Kong police who are embarrassed, ashamed & angry at how their reputation is in tatters.

    Also, that "private property!" guy I think was Irish ?

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