



由Tessa Wong和Grace Tsoi錄製的視頻。


  1. How about violence those traitors have beaten up, attempted murder? They are justified injuring others? Christianity encourages violence and protects criminals?

  2. Blocking police at work catching criminals. These people are out to protect criminals, against HK peace and prosperity.

  3. Christians now support violence of HK Terrorists & Traitors …it says a lot about Christians today at HK. Show the world.

  4. HK Terrorists & Traitors have used school, kids, … as shield … Now using religion … What else? Bring grandparents out next?

  5. When terrorists attacked London, the BBC called it an act of terror.When terrorists attacked Hong Kong, the BBC called it a democracy movement.That's the BBC news.

  6. Guys, plz go to look at intact video. Don't be silly by the small piece showed by people who only care about their own benefits.

  7. First of all you should ask them to stay home. That's the safest. If they don't come out, there will be no violence, police don't need to use any forces.

  8. this demonstration come up when US-China trade war…please tell me who's donation this protestor ? You must pray to destroy this evil…..not to be herooo….wkwkwk

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  10. I actually filed a complaint to the BBC about their bias against the Hong Kong police. They replied to me "Thank you for your email about bias against the Chinese Government" wtf?! I didn't mention the Chinese Government. Seems the BBC think they are one and the same. If we complain about the NYPD would they reply "thank you for your complaint about Donald Trump" or the West Midlands police force "Thank you for your complaint against the UK Government" of course no. So their BIAS was simply proven. They are therefore a multi billion pound propaganda machine in favour of the rioters! The BBC themselves are helping to destroy Hong Kong. I can leave but many can't

  11. @BBC please report some news from Catalonia, where are you BBC? fight for freedom and democracy independence for Catalonia people!!! @BBC Newsnight @BBC News

  12. Fake Christians protect the young rioters from police and protect them so these rioters can do a lot destruction, attacki g police and attacking ordinary people ! In the bible, there is no word that you have to protect people who do bad things or criminals ! Fake Christians, Fake Church !!!

  13. 西班牙加泰暴亂也報道一下啊!西方的自由,民主呢?美國趕緊出個加泰人權法案!英國佬你們不支持一下?白人除了會玩種族主義,雙重標準玩的也是很6啊!日不落帝國早日落西山了,西方等著香港一樣的暴亂吧!今天你支持暴亂,下次就會發生在你自己身上!中國有句老話騎驢看唱本走著瞧,不謂言之不預也!送給高傲自大的白人。

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