外國人對台灣女性的看法 | What are Taiwanese Women Like?

[有中文字幕] 外國人對台灣女性的看法
What is it like to date or marry a Taiwanese women and what are some Taiwanese women like, in general, from the perspective of a foreigner in Taiwan?

This video’s filming location – Huashan 1914 Creative Park:

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[1080p 60fps]

[地點] Other Filming locations:
Taiwan 台灣
Taipei 台北
Taoyuan 桃園

[我的裝備] My gear:
Manfrotto tripod
iPhone 8+
Nikon D5600
MacBook Pro
Zhiyun Smooth Q stabilizer

#Taiwan #Taipei #台灣 #女性 #China #travel #學英文 #台北 .

  1. Taiwanese women are very similar to Chinese women ~ both are incredible assholes. Why? They are the worst women on the planet and play nothing but mind games. Taiwanese women don't even understand that the declining birth rate is due to Taiwanese men going to other Asian countries to find wives because one of the worst things about Taiwanese women is they will not only play mind games they will use their crazy temper as a means to control their spouse. Many Taiwanese will also not marry the husband unless the husband agrees to sign over their paycheck over to the wife every month. It's all about money and me, me, me when it comes to Taiwanese women.

    Marrying a Taiwanese wife is like being sent to the "HOLE" in prison or military. Once you are married to a Taiwanese woman its game over. The only decent Taiwanese women have some sort of religious background or are in a profession where they deal with people on a daily basis, such as teachers, or healthcare workers.

  2. Our immigration law needs improvement, maybe learn from the US for getting more foreign skill workers to get rid of some "unwilling outdated local persons"? haha

  3. Thank you for your informations !
    Just my opinion on your content: i think you should try to be a more concise, sometimes you say the same thing several times in the same sentence. Also, I didn't learn a lot about actual Taiwanese women, you get off topic a lot.

    But again, it's just my opinion.

  4. Taiwan is the subtropical area, so many people care about hygiene, because the weather is humid and sun is burning. Thus there can be flu and diseases spread easily. So in Taiwan People like to brush their teeth and wash their hands constantly and take shower or bath every day.
    Some Taiwan mother and Taiwan women also put emphasis on hygiene, and they would put on masks and gloves on the street. Before eating, people like to wash their hands to clean up, and wash faces constantly.

  5. 大體上漢人傳統的男尊女卑概念在台灣並不是這麼盛行,除了現代西方思潮與個人自由主義的影響、傳統宗族體制的瓦解之外,如果是有與平埔族群原住民通婚的家族歷史也會比較容易產生非典型平權家庭.

  6. They have a completely different mind set from western women. Yes traditional and more conservative. In other words very strait. There are exceptions. Your wife sounds great. I've been married to a Taiwanese for 18 years who's the total opposite. She seldom will cook, can't take care of the home, and is generally sloppy and messy. So I do all the housework haha 98%. She's forced our kids to be vegan and helps them with homework by criticism and anger. The first couple of years were ok but I can't say I've enjoyed being married to her at all. I do believe there are many much better Taiwanese women out there. I will say that she did give me two beautiful children but the rest basically isn't good to put it politely. People can change after they have kids and those kids start school. Anyway, it's my issue. I'm sure many guys are happily married to a Taiwanese woman. I'm looking for a way out myself.

  7. Yikes.
    Are you really listing "advantages" of marrying a certain nationality of woman?
    I hope you realise how incredibly inappropriate that is. It smacks of sexism and colonialism.

  8. I think it』s great that moms (and dads!!) can choose whether they want to stay at home or not. I think it』s a bit of a generational thing though. I』m in uni now and I think most of my friends and classmates plan to work. My boyfriend also expects me to work in the future should we get married. Probably depends a lot on the salary of the SO, parental leave, child care, where the grandparents live, etc. as well.

    I wouldn』t mind staying at home, at least for a few years. But I think I』d be bored if I were to do it for the rest of my life and it kind of defeats the purpose of going to school and getting a degree haha.

  9. 感謝你喜歡台灣,也為台灣做了很多正面的報導,以及豐富的介紹。

  10. Agree with most of your points and you made some really good ones. Just a slight note on the cleanliness – personal hygiene – yes, they're mostly very good at that. However, where housekeeping is concerned, a fair number of Taiwanese women can be very messy. With the frugality comes a tendency towards hoarding things, because "you never know when you might need that again". Getting them to throw things away can be a real headache.

  11. Thanks for your sharing, can you make another video talk about what』s the different between dating with west women and Taiwanese women, as a Taiwanese woman I am curious about this?

  12. 我是台灣女性,很高興能從這支影片瞭解外國人眼中台灣女性的優點,但我也好奇,在外國人眼中,台灣女性有什麼樣的特質或行為,會被視為是缺點?

  13. Not gender issue but lives safety! why don't Taiwanese as human in global fight for a fair human treatment against the unfair fugitive law in Hong Kong without prosecuting the Hong Kong homicide criminal in making a woman died in Taiwan!

  14. Nathan總是很深入在探索探討議題你的影片內容真的很有深度,也很高興看你和老婆感情很好?❤️你是個好老公好爸爸!

  15. 內森的台灣心靈療癒之旅~

  16. Yeah. Language barrier is a big thing. For me it has even a double barrier: English is very far away from my own native language, so English is not the language of either party – just an interface for communication.

    Another challenge is that Taiwanese communication has a lot of subtle indirect expressions which they assume you to understand, but as a foreigner are almost impossible decipher.

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