

1)以色列總統魯文·里夫林(Reuven Rivlin)已正式授權成立藍色和白色主席本尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz)組成下一個以色列政府,這是除本傑明·內塔尼亞胡總理外首位面臨十多年來備受追捧的任務的政治候選人。


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  1. Lord God King of Kings I ask in the name of Jesus that You send Your warring angels to strengthen and protect Your people Israel against those who want them dead Give them the victory and demolish those who have the audacity to come against Your chosen Let the worm make quick work of their lives bodies and countries and let my country take up the cause of Israel and defend and protect our brothers and sisters now that we put on the full armour of God and having done so fight for what is right in Your eyes Lord

  2. Zio-terrorist weasels living on borrowed time, get the fcuk out of Palestinian and Syrian territory if you want to live!!

  3. Lord, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can with stand you. Our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? They have lived in it and have built in it a sanctuary for your Name, saying, 『If calamity comes upon 9us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us.』

    Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.

  4. إسرائيليون دائما يكذبون
    لقد خلقوا كل الحروب
    إن الحرب مع سوريا هي السادس من جدول أعمالها
    إيران) هي السابعة)

  5. A disunited house in the midst of enemies threats. The Israeli politicians have nobody but themself to blame for this disunity. Should outside enemies who seek Israel demise might find this as the best time to launch an attack on Israel. The politicians who still fight for their egoistic survival without wanting to compromise will only opens way for enemies to destabilize the country. As government change so would be the important institutions heads; AMAN and Mossad. I hope new heads heading this institutions would be far better, wise, brave and more determined. Such disunity were seen during Levi Eskhol time and the Egyptians attacked the land of Israel. Israel politicians as well as the public should know between politics and security in electing new leaders. For a country as small.as Israel nothing is more serious than assured security. This current political tussle have almost put Israel security at risk.

  6. trading in bibi for gantz is like giving up your Rolex for a timex. the timex may be cheeper but the Rolex has proven itself reliable, time after time.

  7. Liberals are appeasers, weak, and will sell their mother for convenience. Only people with backs of steel can succeed here, no weaklings like Ganz.
    Any party that accepts the Arabs of the list ! True enemies of a jewish state, can not on good faith succeed here. BiBi is the only true David here, the other guys are not strong enough , or good enough, to vanquished the enemies of Israel.

  8. Praying for the Salvation of Israel and the Peace of Jerusalem. This is according to Our Living Loving Holy God Jesus Christ Yeshua word . Soon this will happen when I don't know . Time Is getting Closer , We can see all of Our Living Holy Bible Prophecies Converging Together Very Quickly and with High Intensity Now.

    I know Our Living Loving Holy God Jesus Christ Yeshua will Definitely Always Protect Safeguard Provide Prosper For ISRAEL'S IDF Military Soilders and In The End Our Living Loving Holy God Jesus Christ Yeshua will Definitely Fight Against All The Enemies Of Israel Himself .

    No One Can Ever Fight Against Our Living Loving Holy God Jesus Christ Yeshua , By His Voice He Can Destroy All Of Israel's Enemies and Send Them To Hell's Lake Of Fire Forevermore Everlasting.

  9. Unless we keep making host for these bad leaderships in Islam and a host more many others trying to unless what they been calling hell on our heads by the way they will always be the biggest threat with peace with muslim Arab religious differences because they keep trying to keep us out of our own rights as well here in the United states @CBS Scott Pelley please but yeah it's been also one bad leadership after the other as well as the ayatollah threatening high attacks with Iran Palestine forces here threatening more or others but I don't have all the answers and Iran being the biggest threat if they continue with all these threats with so called "scientific" keeping up with Saudi and iran high risk powers now allied with Turkey @tv7israelnews @netanyahu @IDF @USArmy @USNavy @USMC @CherokeeNation @choctawnationOK @ChickasawNation @1creeknation

  10. I always wondered what the purpose of the Israeli President was (other than figurehead), but I guess now we are finding out! Rivlin seems like a gentle grandfather who is helping the children find their way. Blessing to Israel and the gentle man, may you find your way peacefully.

  11. Iran would not attack Israel until the appearance of both Jesus the Real Messiah and Al-Mahdi… before that you can relax and enjoy the summer holidays and pleasant dreams….

  12. It's more like, Israel has been pushing the USA to start war against Iran and Syria. Yes Israel has been shelling and bombing Iranians and Syrians for fun the past days, months, years

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