[10.7] 香港親王紀念館(英語)#香港#抗議#新聞








  1. Congratulations, " Chilli Lucas", your real identity is known by the People's Security Service, thanks to your very clear photo on Facebook. Expect some big changes in your situation. 12339

  2. Another link:
    A family of three were surround by the raptors. The boy get scared and started to cry. The crowd mocked the police and said "they should Kowtow to the raptors just like during the Japanese invasion". Also please watch the cartoon in English, it did a good job in depicting what is going on inside ChiNazi!


  3. Greetings from Hong Kong! Here is a Facebook post about long report documents of the Hong Kong police officers using unnecessary forces and violence. The latest version is till to 10th August. However, it only has Chinese version now, and the report are still editing. Chilli Lucas you can take this as reference first and try to translate them, while I would suggest you to wait for a full English version with accurately analysed details. The website for the Facebook post is here: https://www.facebook.com/regis.slater/posts/2397072907202014

    And may I ask you that are you a foreign who can speak and listen Cantonese? Seems you are capable to speak and listen Cantonese accurately, while your accent sounds not really like a Hong Kong citizen……Anyway, thank you for supporting Hong Kong and reporting the situation of Hong Kong. I hope the information would help you a lot (If you can really read Chinese accurately). See you in the next live reporting Hong Kong and I have just subscribed you lol

  4. Hi Chilli Lucas, we are reporters from Kong Gu《港。故》, which is a channel producing Hongkongers' meaningful and inspiring stories. We have sent messages to your Facebook account and wish we could have an interview with you regarding your personal story. It would be an honor to us if you would accept our interview invitation. More interview details can be found in the Facebook message. Please check and Thank you!

  5. I wish I had more time to make a list of the many important points in this coverage – with time links. Someone, please do it! It is more important than you may think.

  6. The Really sad part is, and make's me really angry, the world gonna do nothing 🙁 Uncle Sam just have no financial interest in stopping the Chinese government and that's a fact. In the meanwhile it is in their interest to let them ruin Hong Kong. Just because if its happens, they have no real economical rivals left. in my opinion this city alone was able to challenge them at many fronts. Russia again have nothing to do with them, they don't really care's about other nations. The Rest of the Eu leadership just a bunch of wolfs and weak whom again not gonna risk their money by confronting China. i'm asking the people's Please don't get angry at me ^^ i know many of us like our country's and that's just my personal opinion ^^

  7. Crusade Prayer (136) To keep Your Word

    Dearest Jesus, help me to hear Your Word. Live Your Word. Speak Your Word. Impart Your Word. Give me the strength to uphold the Truth, even when I am persecuted for doing so.
    Help me to keep Your Word alive, when it is drowned out by Your enemies. Let me feel Your Courage when I am down.
    Fill me with Your Strength when I am weak. Give me the Grace to remain dignified, when the gates of Hell prevail against me, for remaining loyal to Your Most Holy Will. Amen.

    – – – _ _ _ – – – crusadeprayergroup dotorg

  8. Please share link: On 7 Oct, a very young lady probably in her early 20 yrs old after patronizing a sweet shop was illegally taking a away by a group of raptors that have no Identification. A female resident, also a customer of the sweet shop was very upset by the illegal detention saying the pretty young lady did nothing wrong and why they took her away. The resident was very concerned of her well being and afraid that the raptors have bad intention!!!!

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