
跨國投資銀行瑞銀大幅削減了對全球增長的預測,修改了對20個不同國家的預期,將特朗普的夏季關稅歸咎於中國。里克·桑切斯(Rick Sanchez)表示,印度的經濟下滑將引發世界經濟的擔憂(7:50)。 |由RT America的阿什莉·班克斯(Ashlee Banks)主持的Just Press Play擁有該部分以及最好的其他深入報告,獨家採訪和有爭議的問題,您本周可能會在RT America上錯過它們。本集將重點介紹本周根據傑西(Jesse),拉里·金(Larry King Now),里克·桑切斯(Rick Sanchez),PoliticKing,繁榮景象和觀看老鷹而來的新聞中的世界! #JustPressPlay

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  1. USA ecnomy sinks and 159 CEO's jump ship — the highest number ever per month. Obviously not without the silverware of the Titanic in their pockets.

  2. A non politician is just not capable of being president? Well Trump seems to be doing a better job than the previous stiffs have.

    16:30 the blonde in the blue dress, if her voice as anymore annoying she'd be from the Bronx.

  3. Iam a strong Trump supporter,but he does lie, he only worries about re-election, no one can work with him, he always condeming Jerome Powell, many are so tired of hislying

  4. Story about Japan, they were new thing from Asia. They were only thing from Asia. They had that US-Japan mingled business and they forced whole nation till the limits and above human limits to do that. But rest of Asia exists, and started to appear, Korea, Malaysia, Indochina, China… With own abilities, greater capabilities, culture, mass, might. Japan can't follow that, they going down, step by step but down. With old population, youngsters forgotten, depression and suicides by overwork… Old families without kids because of job.

  5. I hate this new format with short clips on a whole range of sugjects and no indepth information on anything. It farr too much like television news and I'm almost ready to unsubscribe from RT because I'm sick of this garbage. If you can't give in depth reporting on the news you can go home.

  6. Smart people starts to save and not enter in unnecessary costs while seeing crisis, smart countries also. Because of that is contraction, you called recession in China and EU. Dumb people trying to remain image of superrich trying to find loan which will also spend on new even bigger yacht and faster car. Same is with countries as US.

  7. President Reagan and Bush Sr killed both the Japanese and the US economies during the US-Japan trade war. China bailed out both economies but the New Trade war initiated by the US, will destroy the US economy for good. This time nobody will be able to help and bailout the US.

  8. The underlines of the US overestimated housing values, paper natural resources the US doesn't have because those natural resources belong to Saud Arabia, Congo, Venezuela, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, China, Russia…….and other nations.
    In conclusion US GDP numbers are overestimated. The US is not the world biggest economy. China surpassed the US in 2015. Even the Bible confirms the eminent fall of the USA in Daniel 11:42-45 and Revelation 18

  9. It's hilarious how every other day the Communists are posting videos on YouTube celebrating the imminent collapse of the United States. LMAO you guys have been wishing for our downfall forever. Keep wishing

  10. All republicans are unfit. They are all criminals that wants everybody to be a unlivable exploited wage slaves while forcing their religious bullshit up on everybody else and enrich the 1%.

  11. So, let me see:
    Europe has been haemorrhaging jobs and wealth to India for decades now.
    But, I, as a European was not supposed to say anything about it.
    Now that India has slipped a bit (no disaster either), I am supposed to feel bad? What are you guys smoking?

  12. The United States and the American Dream has become everyone's worst Nightmare.
    US Schools are declining..
    US Industry is dabilitated..
    US Infrastructure is crashing..
    Educated Foreign Nationals don't feel like migrating to the United States. The slow decay of the
    American Empire…
    American Police State…
    American Surveillance State…
    The Welfare/Warfare State…
    before our very eyes, the bottom has completely dropped out.

  13. Piss on global Economy hope it all falls 90% world wide are hurt by this crooked Economy let it go the rich pay zero interest the poor pay up to 700% extortion rates this is one of the many ways they have killed free market it's corporatism and corporate markets not the people's market

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