[10.6] 大規模反面具法示威(英語)#香港#抗議#新聞








  1. PLEASE …. PLEASE…. STOP TALKING SO LOUD IN YOUR MICROPHONE… Put some more distance between your mouth and the microphone and lower the volume a little bit. Please…. I like what you're doing, I really do. But your voice is BOOMING through the speakers…. just a LITTLE bit less and you don't have to be breathing on top of the microphone to be heard. Thanks dude. Keep up the good work!

  2. You are a trouble maker and your Jesus as marked you for hell. Western countries had kill millions of people including women and children. Your hands are dripping with blood. So you have no right to judge or comment.

  3. All the people who are supporting HONGKONG rioters ARE DESTROYING HONGKONG! Shame on you,see what will you think if your home town got destroyed!

  4. These scenes are remarkable. China absolutely must come to some accommodation with Hongkongers and stop harassing and mistreating those arrested. I have never seen Hong Kong erupt into such massive outpouring of anger. The Hong Kong government is controlling what? Whatever it is, the people are not listening.

  5. Hong Kong Public Holiday all public transport closed in Hong Kong.
    ?MTR train station all closed
    ? No Bus running
    ? HK Airport closed too

  6. I am now on vacation in Hong Kong and i Really Really support you !
    But why breaking things, why beating people, why breaking subway stations ?
    Cause MTR is rich so it is not a problem for them to repair everything but normal people who use this transportation to go to work are blocked so they are the ones who are really impacted.
    Cause if they can't work, they can't have their salary and they are also the ones who are going to pay for the repairs cause MTR is just going to increase its prices.
    As it was said, the solution is to boycott and not destroy.
    Your city is amazing, i wish you good luck…

  7. Pls share links: Taxi driver purposely ran his cab into the Anti mask law protesters causing two seriously injured. For your safety when you call for a cab, please make sure it is not from this company.
    PLA? are being transported into HK
    Police pretended to be protestors and set MTR on fire. They were discovered by the residents and reporters!!!!!!

  8. The 「police」 dressed in special forces attack gear is attacking children. She』s frightened to death, shaking violently, and bleeding over her left eye and all the 「policeman」 can do is adjust his AK47 and intimidate further.

  9. Hoy hay tanta gente en el desfile que nadie tiene miedo de enmascararse.
    Una niña de 19 años dijo en una entrevista: Para mí, esto no es una cuestión de usar una máscara, ¡sino un problema de que la expansión infinita del poder del gobierno de Hong Kong erosiona el estado de derecho! El atractivo de todos es claro y claro

  10. Lucas, prestas más atención a Guo Wengui, el más disidente en China, acerca de los muchos eventos políticos en China. Todos ellos impactan al mundo. ¡Si haces estos verdaderos eventos chinos, tendrás más suscripciones!

  11. Lucas, the taxi driver deliberately rammed into the young girl to break her legs. 3 people injured. It was rumoured that the taxi is operated by retired HK police.

  12. Thank You Lucas. You explained the whole situation clearly to the rest of the world. God bless you and God bless the righteous, courageous young HK boys and girls.

  13. The most important action that Carrie Lam can take is announce the formation of Independent Inquiry Council who will investigate both sides. The government needs to acknowledge their own failure to govern well without the intervention from the CCP. HK people are not fools, they know what exactly they are fighting for. The government needs to practice genuine humility.

  14. Thank you Lucas!。https://youtu.be/ugZqvlFngcY.

    This is what happened in Richomnd, a close by city near Vancouver . I live in another city nearby . This is not he first those mainlander to stir things up in Hong Kong protest rally!。Finally, the RCMP , the royal canadian mountain police stepped in!

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