結束所有貿易戰的戰爭? |電源問題


艾瑪·阿什福德(Emma Ashford),特雷弗·薩爾(A. Trevor Thrall)和馬修·古德曼(Matthew P.Goodman)

戰略與國際研究中心的馬修·古德曼(Matthew Goodman)與艾瑪·阿什福德(Emma Ashford)和特雷弗·薩爾(Trevor Thrall)一起討論了特朗普與中國的貿易戰。

馬修·古德曼(Matthew P.Goodman)生物https://www.csis.org/people/matthew-p-goodman
馬修·古德曼(Matthew P.Goodman)和伊利·拉特納(Ely Ratner),《在貿易上挑戰中國的更好方法:特朗普的有害關稅沒有答案》,外交事務,2018年3月22日https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2018 -03-22 / better-way-challenge-china-trade
埃斯瓦爾·普拉薩德(Eswar Prasad):「哪個國家更有能力贏得中美貿易戰?」華盛頓郵報,2019年8月9日.https://sites.tufts.edu/css/the-intervention-project-gets-into-gear/




Apple播客:https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/p …
Google Play音樂:https://play.google.com/music/m/Iidui …
RSS:https://www.cato.org/rss/multimedia/p …
Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/7LrC4me …




  1. Well American citizens are paying more for Products that come from China they forget that I've Ivanka got 16 new deals with China on her products she also got a new deal with China with a patent on voting machines and that should scare everybody trumpsters are profiting through China

  2. Americans have been brainwashed since childhood that Western style Multiparty Democracy is the best political system and every nation should follow it. It is not surprising that all the panelists hold this view. The reality is Western style Multiparty Democracy is theoretically unsound that practically dysfunctional. Those in Mainland China, unlike those in Hong Kong, can see this clearly and hence their leaders evolve a system that takes into consideration China's unique history, culture, backwardness, population density, natural resources etc. The fact that China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty to become the second largest economy in the world in 70 years suggest that its political system has been highly successful. From now on, China should try to improve this system further, although a perfect system can never be attained. In the meantime, Americans should look at themselves in the mirror and do some drastic surgery on Multi-party Democracy.

  3. Are these so called experts stupid ignorant or just uneducated. Perhaps is just no other purpose than to smear China with unfounded accusations. There is no credibility when you can not determine facts from fiction. Do you think people are that stupid in the 21st century when information flows freely? The late president Abe Lincoln once said. While You can fool some people all of the time and you can fool all of the some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

  4. The establishment has been wrong for 30 years…..while managing the decline of the west….Let Trump do what he does….and please try to separate the signal from the noice…..unless you like to look like a cat running after a laser pointer…

  5. You guy's sound like shills for China, we never had to to business with them in the first place. So saying we do now is just flat out bullshit.

  6. Well, they won't even show their books on mutual funds and our retirement investments, so you better check your retirement and make sure it's not in the Chinese market.

  7. It's too late 2009 was a good time to wake up. Firstly China and Russia will change American public opinion to the non-interventionalism and izolationism, decople US from allies ind Europe and Asia.
    Then we will se a Civil War inside the US.

  8. Dear Cato, China is predicted to be the number one economy in the world ,without bombing other countries, and spending the majority of it's money on the military , both of what we the USA do, is the reason why we don't have the fastest trains in the world and and our people go bankrupt or in dept from healthcare and education? Shouldn't we be investing in a sustainable green economy for the 21st century?

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