
確實無法聯繫到某些人。根據路透社的最新報告,美國農田中最熱心的特朗普支持者認為,深陷現狀,而不是唐納德·特朗普,應歸咎於他們目前的經濟困境。他們沒有將貿易戰歸咎於特朗普,而是將憤怒集中在一個虛構的敵人身上。 《火環》的Farron Cousins對此進行了討論。










因此,我們在這裡談論了很多有關唐納德·特朗普的貿易戰是如何徹底抹殺美國這裡的農民的話題。自殺率上升,他們的破產率上升,這都是由於唐納德·特朗普的貿易戰。我的意思是,地獄,政府本身必須為農民提供大規模救助,因為唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的貿易戰使他們受到如此大的擠壓。只是不要對農民自己說,因為顯然有足夠的農民實際上並不相信唐納德·特朗普的貿易戰是其他經濟困境的原因。最近,路透社向一些支持中西部地區農民的特朗普講話,他們並沒有因為農場的狀況而怪罪於總統。相反,他們將這看作是某種深遠的州政府行動,使唐納德·特朗普在2020年失敗。這是其中一些農民不得不說的。嗯,聯邦農業僱員高估了玉米播種面積,這是在2020年大選中傷害特朗普的陰謀的一部分。他們認為,美國農業部的員工感到不安,因為政府將數百名經濟學家和其他研究人員從華盛頓遷往堪薩斯州,據一位農民說。這就是噹噹USDA,因為他們因為某些經濟學家不得不搬到堪薩斯州而發瘋,所以他們過高地估計了玉米作物對農民造成了某種傷害。好的。



#rof #trofire #theringoffire #progressivenews。

  1. What rock did this guy crawl out of? I grew up in LBJ』s poverty county. This speaker has no clue as to farmers plight. Farmers in our county under Clinton got wiped out with land bought out by corporations. BIG democrat failures for DECADES. money flowed into the politicians pockets. There were a few good politicians … at least they made good speeches and farmers trusted them … in vain.

    Farmers are business people. They have been burned for decades and this speaker thinks he is competent on the subject. He could not feed himself. His family would stave with his shallow logic. He would prostrate himself at the feet of Schiff and Hillary for government handout.

  2. As I have said before why would you let the truth stand in the way of a good lie. The peons in the Republican party don't even realize that they are being peed on. Our dear leader has been a con man his whole life and these people believe him. I have a feeling he could walk right up to them and tell these people that hes has been lying to them and they will not believe it

  3. I cannot wait for him to get out of office and he finally gets indicted for all the felonies he committed. So his supporters have to explain WHY he's going to jail if he did nothing wrong.

    I bet he is NOWHERE NEAR as wealthy as he claims he is, honestly he's probably broke and just moves money around to keep up appearances.

  4. And yet these voting rural bozos enjoy a distinct and deadly Electoral College advantage over urban voters. They've swung many an election, and they may just do it again in 2020. Again; democracy only works when sane people outnumber insane people, and our Electoral College gives insane people a deciding edge.

  5. Just how idiotic do you have to be that an apparently omnipresent and deeply entrenched government network like the "deep state" would use its apparently limitless apparatus…to engage in high school politics?? How adolescent ARE these morons to think that something this juvenile in terms of mere image would be the modus operandi on a NATIONAL scale???

  6. Trump could shit on the front porch of MAGA people, slap their kids, fuck their wives, set their cars on fire and spit in their faces and they'd blame democrats for it and still line up to vote for him.

  7. I never thought I'd hear the Farmers who were Fucked by "The Drumpf", call him, his administration and the CANCERvative party the "Deep State".

  8. I am amazed how these people believe that the government is run by the biggest idiots in the world and yet believe that the same people who are idiots believe are running a shadow government.
    If the Deep State existed, Trump would not be in power. The best way to keep power is to preserve the status quo. Trump has done more damage to this country than all its enemies combined.

  9. Sooooo! You wanna tell everyone why the dim(wits)are voting against the aid, TRUMP is offering in subsidies? DIM (wits) busted their asses to bail out Wall Street, auto corporations, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. But deny assistance to our farmers? DIMS, so despicable, so desperate, so full of themselves,so full of hate. Just a bunch of lousy pukes, who will do anything to get their power back, so they can force us into submitting to their IDEOLOGY of deadly socialism. DIMS are commie pinkos, with heavy undertones of NAZISM. YEAH you better watch these perverts of morality.

  10. Trump can't blame himself even though he started the trade wars, sanctions, and tariffs. I am not fan of USDA, but clearly, this is Trump's legacy. Trump's next Bolton is ex-Boeing exc.

  11. I have to laugh at the "Deep State" people. It is hilarious how easy they think it is to put together an all encompassing shadow government. Remember, the Deep State didn't exist until Trump's inauguration. The icing on the delusional joke is that nothing the Deep State is supposed to be doing to undermine the government is ever illegal. Behaving in accordance with the laws of our country is now an act of revolution against the leaders of our government, and it angers these people that anyone wants to hold to the rule of law. It's a massive onion of self destructive delusion.

  12. I do not know where you get your information. I am a farmer (who did not vote for trump) from Wisconsin, the most squeezed state from his trade war. We know he is at fault and know the "deep state" is really a scapegoat made up by the republican party.

  13. I can,t believe how dumb these folk are. There so brainwashed with Trump that if he told him the trade war was all the fault of farmers these morons would take his word.

  14. That's the reason our welfare system is out of control, the main driving force behind subsidies in the United States are farmers. Because the vast majority of them are white, they think they are entitled to all kinds of government aid. We would be seeing a different scenario long time ago if farmers were black, Hispanic or immigrants….everybody in the farming industry would have to become more resilient and business savvy on the requirements for market sustainability . Also, ownership of land and business in the agricultural sector would have been more diverse but, the whole nation state of mind is to encourage the descendants of white immigrants to be the land bearers and so, there's a lot of entitlement around their industry and the rule of free market doesn't apply to them.

  15. "Fake news" and "deep state". Trumps go-to excuses for his failing presidency….. and his hoard of zombie followers fall lock step in line. ?

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