
伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)在周一的新聞發布會上表示,美國的制裁未能使伊朗的經濟崩潰。


#AlJazeeraEnglish #IranUS #Rouhani。

  1. Crisis is still on, can』t claim you』ve passed through it while your economy is shrinking 9% this year. The audience appears to know this, couldn』t be gloomier. Have to congratulate the comment section in regard to this, couldn』t be funnier.

  2. Hey Al Jazeera normally your translators are on point, this guy sucks. Why even post a video as English when you can't even understand what is being said.

  3. @ Aljazeera, this speech has not translated correctly and not even 20% of the presidents points were transferred. Please have a more professional team when you are showing live speeches from Iranian officials and try to articulate the points correctly.

  4. The old reverse psychology, won't work dude , You hate America /Israel and The One True God /Jesus Who Loves You—- we shouldn't give you any money Until You Embrace Israel and America, We have Tried many many Times to embrace you

  5. Trump is going to isolate us to the point where we are no longer that important, anyone can be replaced, life goes on with or without you no matter who you think you are…

  6. This is all part of the global agenda within the next 10 years due to climate change, western opposed factions, worldwide emerging depressions and global instability etc. the western nations will coalesce into a globally unified super power or new world order this plan has been in the making for a looong time. The race isn't to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Though surely an angel resides in the whirlwind and directs it still

  7. To all Iranians capitalism is slavery. It denies every aspect of human freedom , denies religion and cultural practices , western democracy breaks cultures and family traditions creating a rule based restrictive slave society. Dont buy into western propaganda as people in the west are no more than consuming slaves leaving as temporary tenants.

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