[10.4] 香港緊急規例抗議條例(英文)#香港#抗議#新聞








  1. Thanks for the video feeds and translations … honestly tho bro the world doesnt work like we think or completely how were taught. Its not looking good for HK. They will not and never were going to continue to let a part of white mans world continue to exist in Asia/China. Some day it might all turn around , but in our life time its only going to get worst and there is nothing the reset of the world can do, unless we have a world war . Clearly thats not good either. The world is filled we good people but the groups manipulating EVERYTHING is not. They sold out to the darkside.

  2. I'm a Chinese.We Chinese support HK government and central government in Beijing.We urge all protesters immediately to give up your fantasy and go back home!We don't need violence and division.We need peace and order.All protesters will be severely punished!

  3. so if there is more than 30 people in a store or on a train it could be used as an illegal assembly by the police this could include churches temples mosques……..

  4. Free Hongkong. I, and all the South Koreans support you guys. Gain freedom, gain democracy! Feel so sorry that we can』t be right there with you

  5. I watched a lot of videos that these 'peaceful protests' set fire, block transport and beat up tourists everwhere

  6. Hello all my godblessed princes and princesses in Hong Kong and all over the world god loves you all and I love you all too we are all watching you to make sure your all safe pls take care and keep it peaceful thank you for shareing what is happening there

  7. The letter to the senator says "suspended" , while in Hong Kong she talks about "withdraw" , CL is not going to withdraw, purely playing to the tune of CCP . They will put it in place so they can send the students to the re-education camps.

  8. Rather impressively, I am viewing on a small phone ( my only device ) and I see 12 different views. Thank you for your work…From Idaho Panhandle, USA

  9. Love the live streams your doing great work!

    But I have to say it. Your on the side against oppression and censorship, yet you have a moderator team that deletes more live chats than are allowed. And I don't think that's right. 90% at least watching these streams support Hong Kong, we can handle the 50 cents ourselves through discussion/argument. Resisting censorship yet having a team censoring most people watching is never going to get your message across. Just letting you know

  10. Wishing all the best to the people in Hong Kong. I hope they get their demands and I hope this carries on throughout China. There were some Guy Fawkes masks in their parade just 2 days ago. Time to end the tyranny and let social media shine through the Iron Curtain.

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