
天空新聞的亞歷克斯·克勞福德(Alex Crawford)和香港的抗議者一起,向他們詢問他們希望通過走上街頭實現什麼。

蘋果: = 8

  1. the police officer could have just shot in the air … usually the protesters quickly disperse then … he wasn't really under attack anyway

  2. this is a war and China gonna lose it .once the main land China government can』t stand anymore and sends armies to Hong Kong it will become 64 2.0 which gives every rights for the International sanctions against the evil country

  3. There r dozen of discussion groups on FB that are pro rioters. Their posts r extremely biased – blame everything on the government, the police, and the Chinese government. But whatever they do themselves – protests, riots, internet bullying, violence etc., are always righteous and justified. It's a villain playing victim scenario, be independent and careful of what they r saying when they r begging ur support.

  4. The police should be able to defend themselves but being police for such a tyrannical goverment is bad in itself so i dont feel bad for them

  5. What the protesters do dosent matter the CCP is oppressing hong kong all actions trying to prevent it is acceptable if directed against goverment forces

  6. These protests were legitimate until the protesters chose to destroy public property and to attack those who disagree with them politically or are Chinese nationals.

  7. According to the oxford dictionary the definition of "terrorism" is The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. hmm

  8. If there is no freedom in China then why didn't 13 billion Chinese in main land uprising? Don't like police? Military is going to take over.

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