觀看:Imran Khan可以擔任伊朗和沙烏地阿拉伯之間的調解人嗎?

總理伊姆蘭·汗(Imran Khan)正在德黑蘭進行為期兩天的訪問。


#AljazeeraEnglish #SaudiIranTensions #PakistanMediator。

  1. if Imran khan mediates between iran and Saudi Arabia then who will buy American Arms? The Americans will rather have him assassinated before he does that.

  2. The so called pakistan should know its place and stop acting like something that it is not…If one thing it can do is to stop terrorism from its soil….

  3. Imran is a funny guy. Often seems clueless and lacks some basic political acumen. No wonder such puppets always stem out of pak due to the military industry. Most likely would be assassinated by the army once his job is done

  4. Ha ha funny question..men (Imraan) as begging for money Everytime on international stages….
    How can he act like mediator…he also need mediator in between India and Pak…issue over on Kashmir…. Pakistan will be going to blacklist in FATF may b after 18 October, 2019.
    … currently pakistan in grey list.. economy of pakistan is on ventilator..high inflation, employment ratio…also world Bank warn pakistan recently.. so how can you say that…Iran and Saudi both are stronger than pakistan and they know what is good for their country…..Saudi and Iran…we hope you make good decisions over on the current issue please don't make your reputation down to take pakistan as mediator…..keep it up Iran and Saudi Arabia…

  5. What a pity ! the man who is attacking India and begging the world for J&K from India, he would be a mediator bet. Iran (where people are not philander and highly Intelligent). imran you are having second childhood at 70.

  6. We had enough conflicts let』s unit for the sake of Islam and make our religion great again!!! Long live Imran&Erdogan. So many suffering around Muslim world it』s time to uplift our own people.

  7. No I don't think so… Imran was never a good mediator… Even when his wife Jemima had affair with Hugh Grant he asked for lot of money.. Now same is for Bushra… He never mediates good between his wives and foreign customers… So i doubt his ability

  8. haha..this is really a joke…joker try to be in middle between Iran and Saudi…cmon…fix your own country first before trying to fix someone else problems…work on education…medicine…space…health..woman rights but no you choose to open more n more terrorists camps and buy more weapon from China….

  9. Trump say he love iran and love the iranian regim .(iran should be his enemy ) .
    And also say mbs should pay
    Mbs :- payed
    Trump :- he should pay more .
    Trump :- say we protec s a from iran .
    Protec from iran also love iran
    Trump :- it is iran who attack s a but it is not our busnise we will do nothing .
    Protect from iran , Love iran , econimic preasure on iran , pay to protect , we donot care .
    What i understand is trump love iran and iranian and sa should pay because they have alot of money .

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