
由於中國的長遠眼光和特朗普的愚蠢,唐納德·特朗普在貿易戰中輸給了中國。 Ana Kasparian和David Cay Johnston在#NoFilter上對其進行了細分。 https://www.tyt.com/ana


主持人:安娜·卡斯帕里安(Ana Kasparian)

演員:安娜·卡斯帕里安(Ana Kasparian)


世界上最大的在線新聞節目。由Cenk Uygur和Ana Kasparian主持。美國東部標準時間晚上6-8點進行直播。 https://goo.gl/tJpj1m

在YouTube上訂閱The Young Turks:https://goo.gl/a3JY9i

就像Facebook上的The Young Turks:https://goo.gl/txrhrh

在Twitter上關注The Young Turks:https://goo.gl/w6ahdV

購買TYT Merch:https://goo.gl/KVysaM


青年土耳其人(n),1.機構,運動或政黨的年輕進步或叛亂成員。 2.反對權威或社會期望的年輕人。 (美國遺產詞典)。

  1. Time itself runs different in the East lmao. While the West debates the East acts. Basically they're hacking simply cuz we got democracy and they don't lol. You can try to slow them down but nah, too little too late, focus more on the Middle East btw.

  2. Making trade war ,Trump want to changes China with poor nations to business . China's is so practise to manage economic nation , they would better leave US than set back with US trade war , you see Xi Jinping lazy meets Trump again !

  3. Losing hell! The fool LOST the fkg trade war with China and Mexico the first day he stepped in the White House. The good side about this tragedy is the fkg farmers voted for him and they got what that they wished for, who was Trump, himself.

  4. While some say Trump is losing the trade war, there are many others, including expert Gordon Chang kept their rhetorical that China is being punished by the trade war.

  5. when Trump started the trade war, I know he will lose the war. because of trade war, farmers gets bailouts from Federal Govt., and US becoming more less productive. Not to mention, Feds are running out of bullets to save the wallstreet

  6. If Donald doesn』t like buying Chinese made products, shouldn』t he bin his phone and tv?I think everyone would be happy, and some peace from his twittering,

  7. USA spends too much money in making weapons to wage wars all over the world, some 730 billions in 2018, while in debt of 22 trillions.
    So where is the UBI money going to come from?

  8. Nobody can possibly follow USA if there is no money and no benefits to gain in following them, especially a bankrupted and insolvent and warmongering and thuggish regime controlled USA.

  9. Currency manipulation by china? What about what the FED is doing with repo QE without revealing it? Weaponising the USD with economic sanctions. These are the things that will destroy the usd.

  10. Quick send in RUDY. ( James Bond ). GULIANI,. THE. PRESIDENT. PERSONAL. LAWYER,. ( by default also above the Law. ). LICENSED TO. LIE …☠️☠️☠️

  11. STEEL…in USA,,, and Iron Ore….

    44 %
    Of the Total….
    Where is the USA IRON ORE,,,, to make Steel….??!
    And Bye

  12. We finally have a leader who deal with trade imbalance and intellectual theft with China head on.If we continue to follow the previous US presidents agenda,we would soon find our selves wiping those Chinese asses.America have created a monster out of China which have bullied it』s neighboring countries,claiming South China Sea it』s own.Chinese boats destroying Vietnamese,Philippine fishing boats and depriving them of their livelihood.Thanks to President Trump he sends the US navy to South China Sea to confront this atrocity and to insure freedom of navigation.

  13. These "NEWS READERS" should be Economist. They are reading news script written and managed
    by the LBGT Agenda. They don't realize that they will begin to taste God at 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

  14. Not Just Trump Has Fail But White America…Y』all Carried Him On Your Back As If He Was The Great Saver…It Doesn』t Matter If You』ll Poor, Rich, Famous, Popular, Democ Or Republican…America Created This Mess Way Before Trump Got In Office…As This Country Begins To Crumb…Blame Want Save U…Nor John 3:16…Y』all Owe A Debt To The World And That World Has A Governor…His Name is Jesus…Will He Collect…Just As U Pass The Tray On Sunday…Or AskThe Man Who Sold Him For 30 Piece Of Silver…U Will Surely See Him…Karlos.

  15. If a guy can call himself a girl and a girl can call herself a boy why doesn』t the water column so the donkey and pull the cart and have a job

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