







  1. Now I understand why the USA is starting on Iran again. Shame on then for giving women some rights. The last time they attempted democracy the USA removed Mohammed Mosadeghe

  2. I think people need to understand that although Iran was a very modernized and western country before the revolution, that now a lot of those things have been reversed and we have no choice but to accept it and start to build Iran from scratch. From the bottom up. Yes it is sad that the modern country Iran once was is no longer there. (Modern = human rights and no strict sharia law) But we simply cannot dwell on the past and say 「get these mullahs out of Iran and bring the shah back!」 People legitimately think this will happen, but it』s just so unrealistic. Our best bet to make Iran 「great again」 lol, is to patiently make progress like this step by step and after a while this Islamic regime will collapse under its own weight, just like the Soviet Union.

  3. T-this is depressing.

    It is fantastic that after all this time, they are finally allowed into stadiums.
    But the fact that they weren't to begin with, someone had to set themselves on fire and that we have to celebrate this, is depressing.

  4. BBC no mention about another historic 14-0 wi by Iran, thats a new World record for any qualifying game.

    Edit: Jew controlled media

  5. If she wants to set fi;re to herself over football she must be really bored. Btw being English requires ownership of dogs, observing the football and more pa;gan do;g worshipping, that reminds me! Seen as you're experienced in talking behind peoples backs and going through peoples privacy and being sta;lkers! Come follow me over to corey shulister's channel and we can discuss further and see if je;ws have this culture of breeding dogs, ki;ssing dogs ass;,es and wiping the dog's cr;:ap off your carpet for your wh;ite english gf and her family and again bree;ding do;gs and paying massive attention to your dog as if it's religion. Btw have you any idea how ug;ly pi;g breeding is? Not surprised that you're not concerned seen as since primary school you've also been bragging about your fore:.sk;in and the chee;se it collects for a perfect cheese sandwich for your gf's wh;ite mou;th right?

  6. This is not an equality issue, it's one of female supremacy . In a country where men aren't allowed to watch female sports, the entire world rallies behind the less important issue. Of course if men were allowed to attend female sports, the money generated would turn everything around and women's attendance revenue is insignificant. But neither the BBC nor anybody anywhere in the world wants Iranian female athletes to succeed.

  7. Oh no…. what』s next? Women on construction sites ? hmmm never seen a woman in the uk on a construction site. Why is that?

  8. Anyone in U.K. who watches live TV broadcasts on TV or radio or watched or receives any BBC TV or radio by laws has to pay for the BBC TV license. Now if you don』t pay the BBC TV license you can be fined or go to prison . Many people are confused and believed just because they have a TV in their house assume they have to pay the BBC TV license and they do not wish to face prison or heavy fines if they don』t so they pay it. Now it may be possible that they didn』t need to pay for the license. If you look at the rules they are often vague and intimidating should the fee not be paid. The government have a BBC charter in place allowing these laws to exist and be enforced. The BBC is absolutely not allowed to be biased and if there is a bias complaints have to be filed via two concurrent methods via the BBC complaints service and failing the outcome of this the third line of appeal is through OFCOM . It really is very beurocratic and long winded . There is no freedom of choice and there is unfortunately plenty of bias. It is long winded and complex deliberately in order to maintain the current level of subscriptions to the BBC TV license which collects many billions of pounds per year. In summary the government allows laws to exist which are unfair.

  9. You can barely see women in Arabic middle east have such faces, that are educated, confident, and fearless. Iranians deserve a brighter future. A secular and democratic free country for the next generation!

  10. Idiots…….
    They see all the money that came from it and were probably like "we should have done this earlier"
    If Americans are dumb for mass shootings these fucks are dumb for treating their women like complete shit……

    Real Tough Men eh?
    Tell your women where they can drive and how late they can stay out? What they wear….
    Sounds like a nice bunch of folks…..

    I'll wait for an Iranian female president……

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