
阿里坎·阿揚拉爾(Alican Ayanlar)與伊朗外交大臣穆罕默德·賈瓦德·扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif)坐下來討論與沙烏地阿拉伯的關係,與美國的緊張關係以及核協議。


  1. اره من خودم یادمه اونروز که پیامبر گفت سلاح اتمی حرام است،،،دنیا دروغ میگه و اقا رهبر انقلاب اسلامی درست میگه…بیپدر مارهایی که مردم خودشون رو فقط میکشند نیاد اونروزی که سلاح اتمی بدستش بیاد….دهن این ظریف یک جوریه که هر ان فکر میکنی میخواد ساک بزنه.

  2. اره من خودم یادمه اونروز که پیامبر گفت سلاح اتمی حرام است،،،دنیا دروغ میگه و اقا رهبر انقلاب اسلامی درست میگه…بیپدر مارهایی که مردم خودشون رو فقط میکشند نیاد اونروزی که سلاح اتمی بدستش بیاد….دهن این ظریف یک جوریه که هر ان فکر میکنی میخواد ساک بزنه.

  3. Authors, poets, actors, intellectuals, etc whom their works or action support dictators, human rights violators, inequality between men and women , torture, rape and executions of poetical prisoners should

    Hang themself with the dictators』s 「belt」!
    Ahmad Shumlo

  4. The US and Israel are such menaces they won』t allow the Middle East to get along, as he said the whole Middle East based on a European trade and security model would begin to prosper and why would each one not want that? Only by western meddling and putting in puppets would the countries resist that, ask the people, they are all Muslims they all want to get along and prosper and live in security, unfortunately their forefathers took that right from them when they spit the Islamic world into secular stares

  5. @19:55 Mr. Zarif "Maximum pressure is euphemism for economic terrorism …because Secretary Pompeo said IF IRAN WANTS ITS PEOPLE TO EAT IR HAS TO FOLLOW WHAT the US SAYS..now read definition of terrorism …it says : "COERCION OR USE OF VIOLENCE against civilians for POLITICAL PURPOSES! " Shame on USA!

  6. It』s known that Iran can destroy most of the US. Why do you think Iran got pass with kidnapping the diplomats 1979 and capturing the marines 2016? Because the US government scared of Iran. IT』S TRUE.
    مرگ بر امريكا
    مرگ بر اسرائيل

  7. If Iran truly doesn't want to engage in wars Mr Mohammed Javad Zarif, then why are your supreme leaders in Iran are funding militias such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Kuwait and Bahrain, and over 40 militias in Iraq? Why are you interfering in other countries to start with? Who made you the "supreme court of justice" and the "police" in the middle east? If you want to defend any causes you can always start and focus on cleaning your own house with the high levels of poverty and inequality across your nation, given that you are one of the highest GDP in the region and over 50% of your nation lives in poverty. People's money is spent for over 40 years on militias based in foreign countries all of that to make sure that you have a "political stand" in these countries and force them (Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen) to vow allegiance to you and use their people, their resources and their homes act as your battleground against your "enemies" which is sooooooooooo obvious, hence you see Iraqi people chanting and calling upon you to leave "Iran Get Get Get Out, Iraq Remains Free"

  8. Iranian politicians always seem calm on media but that's not the real face. In reality Iran since the Khomeini was elected supreme leader since 1978, has been embarking on constant conflicts and funding militias across pretty much most of the middle east (nowadays also Africa and Latin America). The Iranian Mullahs regime is primarily based on "exporting revolution" that is embedded within their political system clearly. Don't listen to what people like Jawad Zarif says but instead look at their actions to judge on this war hungry regime that lives in the dark ages of trying to rebuild a Persian Empire by exploiting other countries resources such as Iraq and Lebanon.

  9. Why on youtube now. Any channel I'm subscribed to eg: Al Jazeera, TRT and RT has a warning label at the bottom of the video saying "This channel is sponsored by the Russian Govt or Turkish Govt.
    Contradictory to CNN, FOX, MSNBC has no WARNING LABELS at the bottom of the video???

  10. The minister of Iran is the best leader I ever heard speak strong Muslim brother knows right from wrong knows that design is US pigs never destroy anyone in their life

  11. I like what Mr Zarif says: Even in the dollar, US states In God we trust, but Sauds who are considered Muslims:"In US we trust", what an irony. Shame on you Al Saud!

  12. Iran has a great past history, however became an Islamic terrorists theocracy in 1979. Before there was Osama Bin Laden, there was Imad Mugniyah, Hezbollah』s terrorist mastermind, and there was Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran. By most accounts, Hezbollah , killed more people than Al-Qaeda. Hezbollah is a terrorist group that is financed and supported by the Islamist theocratic regime of Iran. before most people had even heard of Bin Laden. Hezbollah engineered the 1983 obliteration of the American Embassy in Beirut, which killed legendary CIA Middle East hand Robert Ames—and directed the kidnapping and murder of Beirut CIA station chief William Buckley. Hezbollah was also credited with the bombing of the Marine and French paratrooper barracks at the Beirut airport in 1983, the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847—which resulted in the death of U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem—and a score of other kidnappings and assassinations. Hezbollah was also suspected of orchestrating two bombings in Buenos Aires, the first on the Israeli embassy in 1992, and the second at a Jewish community center two and a half years later.

  13. It seems like what Mr Zarif is saying: that America is so advanced and rich due to the destruction and theft of other countries.

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