
9月10日-德意志銀行外匯研究全球負責人George Saravelos討論了中美貿易戰以及唐納德·特朗普政府應對美元走強的能力。他談到「彭博監視」。

  1. Let the trade wars begin… key star wars music…. no …. wait … trump has delayed it, kicking da can down d road.
    Cancel. , abort , cut d music, drop d mic.

  2. Exactly! That's how to put tariffs onto another country like China! Place a tax on foreigners buying our bonds! These stupid trade war tariffs cost American consumers 100's of billions of dollars, whereas when we sell bonds to other countries, they get a fixed tax free income in strong American dollars. This is stupid easy, they just use their weak currency to buy a strong dollar bond which pays them more and more income the more they inflate their own local currencies. They import our deflation and export their inflation, then profit yearly and pay no tax, terrible for the USA but great for foreigners.

  3. Taxing foreign capital would lower the dollar short term …and foreign investment would of course withdraw their investment in US that in turn make the the dollar less attractive as an international currency e.g. weaken: petro dollar; turn countries away form using the dollar as the main international exchange currency; make sanctions on foreign countries weaker as other countries turn to alternative currencies for means of exchange e.g. gold, Russian and Chinese currencies and more Asian (and possibly European) international infrastructure lending banks thus making IMF etc superfluous as other alternatives come into being that are cheaper for borrowers and not politically preconditioned.

  4. never, china will siphon and exploit the US dollar like a parasite to complete the belt and road initiative and enslave africa. same thing with us tech and universities. our students and expats will siphon every qbit of knowledge from western computers and databases to fuel our growing nation and economy. eventually the west will bow to the east.

  5. Keep in mind China is alowed to buy American companies but American always been banned from ownership of Chinese companies only as conowners

  6. Rt America Jan 2, 2019" "Top 5 Countries Opting To Ditch U S Dollar & The Reasons Behind Their Move" China And Iran Just Agreed to "25 Year Deal Using alternative currency Besides U S Dollar Along with Russia, Germany, India, Iran, turkey and Canada

  7. China dont need shit, they kow that there very well may be a new prez next year 4 at most they just stocked another 100 tonnes of gold reserves just prior 2 trade talks, they did that 2 weather a short coming storm, this is a bump 4 them thats it.

  8. Floating Tariff rates now auto pegged to the Chinese yuan. As Yuan goes down, tariffs go up. No matter how much they manipulate their currency, they can't win.

  9. the problem with taxing bond holding is that is Japan will be hurt much more than China give their size and gdp relevance. not sure how will US answer to Japan when shit hits the fan.

  10. That's neat. I was thinking recently that a better way for the US to manage its current account deficit would be by focusing on the capital account, but I didn't know how to do that. This guy had a suggestion for doing that, which might actually weaken the dollar rather than strengthen the dollar as tariffs seem to be doing.

  11. Wat? Wouldn't taxing interest from bonds result in foreigners selling our treasuries => rise in interest rates. That guy said interest rates would drop.

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