

無論是報道國外衝突和國內政治分歧,還是報道最新的流行趨勢和科學發展,《紐約時報》的視頻記者都可以提供令人難忘的世界觀。這是所有值得關注的新聞。 。

  1. Are you guys that stupid? "They were wearing Mask to hide their Identities" and then they're say his name and show him getting arrested!!! So now all the Cops know who he is! So why give him a Mask and lie to "Keep his Identity secret!!!"

  2. as a mainland chinese, i feel so angry about the atrocities the police have done with thugs!! what a regime! westerners, be vigilant. watch out the communist party!!! shame on them!!!

  3. I know it's hard but politely tell the US or any democracy countries depending where you live to stop the police brutality. More protesters are getting injured in Hong Kong. Please help Hong Kong.

  4. please cover more on the movement in HK to let more ppl in the world knows how civilization can be collapsed in a week by the power of Communist

  5. I would love to supply the protestors with weapons like AR』s and hand grenades and see the country spiral down to civil war.

    More and more of the protestors would need more fire power and i would be the first and only one to supply them all at a very competitive price.

  6. This is just the tip of the iceberg , harsh . 🙁
    Thank you so so much New York times .
    Turns out there are some justice on planet earth…

  7. Hong Kong Police each day doing a great job guarding our lives and property from these brutal rioters, often at risk to themselves. 
    We can』t put them in words how much we appreciate their efforts.
    We』re 100% behind you, go HK police, go !

  8. the prophet Muhammad pbuh, said the greatest Jihad is to speak out the truth in face of tyrant. May Allah bring these people true justice, ameen.

  9. I cannot believe the comments on here. These thugs deserve everything they get. They should be in jail and not lauded by America. They are lucky the HK Police only use rubber bullets. These protesters , or should I say terrorists, are committing criminal acts. They are vandals and thugs. America please tell the truth and stop supporting these people. The HK Police have been attacked continually. I would like to see what you would do if this happened in America. This is not a fight for democracy, it is pure criminality and vandalism.

  10. New York Times showing only one side of the story, how typical. Igniting the conflict and then regularly pouring gasoline on fire, so you can "report" more "breaking news". Not a fan of China, but am even much less fan of brainwashing and manipulating "news" media.

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