
在弗吉尼亞州南部綿延起伏的農田中,有傳統農作物,如大豆,玉米和煙草。最近又出現了一種新作物:大麻的錶帶狀表麻。 。

  1. He is so wrong when he said this is the bad time for agricultural
    Not according to Trump, we are doing so well and we are making China paying for it.
    Who shall I believe in?

  2. Don't worry American farmers. Trump is in the right decision. Trump foreign policy will grow up the American economy more strong in near future. You know that Chinese economy is raping American economy day by day; year after year in the technological and IT sector. Chinese are thieves of stealing American technology. So; they should get punishment. Chinese economy will be destroyed. As a result; for weakness of Chinese economy; China will never be threat against American from all sectors even in security issue and can not be able to dominate the world. So; I think; the trade war that trump has taken against China is 100% right decision. Hope that Mr.Trump will protect American soybean farmers by hook or cook to motivate those soya farmers to cultivate another crops farming.

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