
由於中國的長遠眼光和特朗普的愚蠢,唐納德·特朗普在貿易戰中輸給了中國。 Ana Kasparian和David Cay Johnston在#NoFilter上對其進行了細分。 https://www.tyt.com/ana


主持人:安娜·卡斯帕里安(Ana Kasparian)

演員:安娜·卡斯帕里安(Ana Kasparian)


世界上最大的在線新聞節目。由Cenk Uygur和Ana Kasparian主持。美國東部標準時間晚上6-8點進行直播。 https://goo.gl/tJpj1m

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青年土耳其人(n),1.機構,運動或政黨的年輕進步或叛亂成員。 2.反對權威或社會期望的年輕人。 (美國遺產詞典)。

  1. What will American people do with the $1,000? Think about it. The poor will not have a choice – they will use the $1,000 to to buy food, gas, etc., to pay rents, to pay for necessities. The middle class will use the $1,000 to pay off some debts. The upper class will invest the $1,000 – and use it to make even more money. The UBI will only worsen wealth inequality. Andrew Yang is really a libertarian. Don't fall for his scam.

  2. I have been reading and thinking about current tension between China and the US – particularly about the detainment of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou in Canada, and the current situation in Hong Kong. I think I might have connected the dots and figured out that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are behind both incidents/situations. My conjecture is Hillary is still angry and bitter about losing the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump. So, the petty bitch has been using Meng and Hong Kong to sabotage Trump』s trade negotiation with China. Hillary basically wants to sink the US economy and create a severe recession to undermine Trump』s reelection chance.

    First, Hillary』s political allies in New York arranged Meng Wanzhou』s detainment in Canada, which completely blindsided Trump during his initial round of trade negotiation with China. Obviously China thought it was Trump who ordered Meng』s detainment. At the same time, Trump had too much of an ego to show any weakness, so he could not admit Hillary had played him and undermined his trade negotiation with China.

    Then, Hillary and Nancy Pelosi used the National Endowment for Democracy (NED, which is in the business of regime change) to stir up troubles in Hong Kong, so that China would blame America – and therefore Trump – for the troubles in Hong Kong. That would make China even more unwilling to negotiate with Trump.

    That petty woman is just devious and evil.

    However, based on what I』ve been reading in the Chinese social media, China has been slowly put together all the pieces and figured out that Hillary, Pelosi and the Democratic Party have beeen behind all the ploys – based on the information that has been coming out of China in the past couple days, which suddenly blamed Hillary and Pelosi for Hong Kong. Took me awhile for make the connections: that the warrant for Meng came out of the NY prosecutor office, (which was filled with Clinton supporters,) and that the NED is currently more closely tied to the Hillary's wing of the Democratic Party than anything else. This could backfire on the entire Democratic Party. China will likely make a deal with Trump at the right timing to ease/shorten the coming recession, just to punish the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, and to help Trump get re-elected.

    So, the irony is: Hillary will probably get Trump elected TWICE, all because she is such a petty woman. Hillary』s brilliant plan is gonna backfire again.

    Just to be clear: I am not a Trump supporter. I actually lean Democrats, but this is gonna be bad.

  3. Floating Tariff rates now auto pegged to the Chinese Yuan. As Yuan goes down, tariffs go up. No matter how much they manipulate their currency, they can't win.

  4. Great interview. I'm pretty fascinated by China's rise. Russia of course loves this as China will no longer be subordinated by western interests. Not since the 1980's have we had a communist nation that was able to pose a threat to western, specifically American domination. Something I admire about them is that their government is comprised of long term thinkers. Same thing with the Russian gov't. China undeniably has plenty to admire & I am happy for the Chinese people that they have an increasing voice on the world stage. Same thing with the Russian people. They are also doing better than their parents are doing which is great. The American single polar world has denied other nations a major voice on the world stage, including the ability to spread soft power for almost three decades. While this will most certainly lead to a cold war between the western powers led by the European Union & the Russo-Sino alliance, it is important to note that there will be a counterbalance for both sides rather than just one side or one power dominating over everyone else.

    While it is definitely off topic, I think that the European Union deserves a mention here. Like China, they are able to play Trump like a fiddle & use him as a means to rise in global standing. Not to mention that the Euro is the world's second reserve currency & would be the world's first reserve currency when the U.S dollar loses its top spot. This means that twenty years from now, most of the world will be trading & dealing in Euros while China & their allies will be doing such things in Yuans. The Dollar won't even exist as a viable currency option anymore. While they do try to be nice with Russia & China due to their belief in peace & soft power, they are not allies of them & often stand with the west in general against them. Yeah, you can argue that some member states have been nice with the two eastern powers in question, particularly southern & eastern European nations. But overall, these nations are not powerful enough to counter the weight of the European Union's agenda. By the same token, doing trade with Russia & China in order to find good markets doesn't mean that you're friendly with them or aren't adversaries of them. As the European Union continues on its path to federalization with the U.K debating how it'll leave if at all, they are looking to be a much more viable partner on the world stage, especially for traditional American allies & developing countries. The idea of European federalization has grown in popularity recently, especially among Liberal Democrats & Greens, both of whom have seen very big gains in European elections recently, especially among younger people. The biggest fear of China & Russia is European federalization because a fully federalized E.U which is united can actually counteract & even outperform both Russia & China. This is why Russia & China are both supporting Eurosceptic parties across Europe & why these same parties admire these eastern powers so much. On the science & technology part, just take quantum mechanics for example. The European Union has started a massive project to create an Internet based solely on quantum mechanics. This has the potential to create more advanced computers, create new jobs, birth new major tech giants & make the European Union the major world tech giant. Not to mention that there'll be new discoveries like new medicines, public transportation, consumer goods and to overturn our current understanding of physics. China has picked upon on this with the world's first quantum satellite, but the E.U is pushing very hard that it can be argued that they're outperforming China. The E.U could even start to outperform China & beat them to new biological & genetic discoveries with more ethical means. Quantum mechanics is just one field out of many fields that they are taking the lead on. Other industries include renewable technologies, space travel, public transportation, medicine & information technology, all of which can easily be connected to quantum mechanics.

    In other words, I don't buy into the false dichotomy between U.S world domination or Chinese world domination. I believe that it is very dishonest or lazy to leave out other major potential superpowers like Russia, India, Brazil & especially the European Union because we are blinded by the Anglocentric notion that it is either American/British world domination or Chinese domination. Out of all the these major powers, Russia, China India & the European Union will be the next superpowers without a doubt. The United States will devolve into a dictatorship/totalitarian regime backed by Russia, China & India or will become an E.U ally which is less powerful than the E.U. The United States has to get used to the fact that our allies will no longer depend on us & that another united federation which is across the Atlantic from us will take our place as the world's liberal democratic superpower. Our allies will also depend on that new federalized union as a new cold war with the three other emerging powers of authoritarianism team up. In other words, the E.U will not embrace China's Belt & Road initiative & neither will our allies. They will not be subjugated by an alliance of autocratic regimes, including the Russo-Sino backed regime that will replace the current American government.

  5. China needs to work with other countries that have independent foreign policies and that have been targeted and had war declared on them by the United States what United States does through sanctions and ngos and tariffs and regime change. Congress is no longer used to declare war. All these countries that have two had war declared on them by the United States should stop using the dollar 100% immediately and use their own currencies any basket of currencies to trade with each other and all countries should boycott and put 1,000% tariffs on all us products and sanction all us products to give the United States a taste of its own medicine

  6. China's long term vision is to hope that Donald Trump is defeated and a weak Democrat caves into them on trade. Yes, Ana, everyone is aware of the strategy.

  7. Labor has become slavery for many. Less money for more work. It's the Republican way. But Democrats don't do much about it these days. Money in the politician's pockets is their goal.

  8. Farmers in my area are now facing loss of productivity due to climate change and rising costs for water. Now we are losing trade contracts that took a decade or more to build.

    If you want Idaho potatoes for French fries, you need to go out and vote, folks. We are seeing generational family farms going unplanted and shuttering up their cellars.

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