






歐文·瓊斯(Owen Jones)演講►http://bit.ly/subsowenjones

  1. Old people in hong kong: protecting young protesters from getting hurt
    Old people in America: ThE MILLeniALS and gEN Z hAVe tHE PeTER PaN SYNdroME

  2. this entire situation is so dumb. its been months since the protest, and what's going on?? violence, riots, crimes. I'm not siding with anyone but I wish that the younger generations especially those who are still 15/16/17 would be educated by the opposite side. The fight right now is no longer for democracy but its just hate towards the opponents. Why should someone get burned for arguing their views? I don't get it. Their affecting innocent people who just wish to live peacefully. Like I said this entire thing is dumb,.

  3. Im 70 but i have to say i get the spirit if it but at his age he should see the protesters are dead wrong and the Police should be commended and have been very mild in their duties. Time will prove this and the protesters will go down in history with the image of rabid dogs.

  4. I suppose Uncle Wong has lost the democracy that he never had under the British rulership.

    Of course the guardian will never report MANY MORE uncle Wongs that stand with the police with their walking sticks.

  5. Stand with Hong Kong! There are naked bodies thrown in the water… we should raise more awareness that the CCP is violating human rights to an extent; please, please, help Hong Kong

  6. Guardian, This story gives new meaning to 「dishonest reporting.」 HK has suffered millions of dollars of damages to their MTR system, shopping malls, and petrol bombed stores, by the rioters. Vandalism is a crime in any country. Your story praising the kind old man for protecting the criminals from being apprehended and arrested by the police is shameful reporting.

  7. Uncle Wong, we admire and applaud you! Free Hong Kong. Hong Kong for self government and the right to vote for their own leader, one that Hong Kongers can work with.

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