

天空新聞的多米尼克·瓦格霍恩(Dominic Waghorn)解釋了伊朗所構成的威脅程度,具體取決於您在世界上的位置。







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  1. When will Israel and the United States recognize the Sovereign State of Iran's right to exist? Unmolested by constant lethal siege tactics? The Afghanistan Papers were released not 2 weeks ago? This "squirrel" attack locks in a future profit stream for the protection extortion scam that is strategic defense policy of my homeland, the United States.

  2. We all know who prompted the trumpet to reinforce sanctions. Netanyahu pulls his strings from the phone in a daily basis includes grabbing him by the pussy as well.

  3. Trump starts a war to distract from impeachment. Since a lot of people are going to die now, I don』t think he』s going to be re-elected in November. That』s a bridge too far, Trump!?

  4. sly news at it AGAIN . ( they'll trash and defame the only true democracy in the Middle East (Israel) , whilst making the REAL bad guys look like alter boys – all in a days work for fake news )

  5. I do hope Trump quickly flattens Iran with his biggest nukes NOW rather than wait until Iran nukes Europe, Israel and America IN THE FUTURE!

  6. The government of Iran is Twelver. They believe through a global chaotic war, that their Mahdi will come and bring peace and justice to the world. Iran has proxies all over the world, who create chaos.
    How can u trust a government, such as the one in Iran, who believes a war is not only necessary, but what is needed?

  7. I love iran ???????????♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️I hope that have progress for every thing 'we are so happy to leave in iran 'and we don't give permition no country bring one sentimeter of our earth .this is soure soure

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