'伊朗的行為可能導致全球經濟危機' -30.9.19 TV7以色列新聞


1)總理兼利庫德集團主席本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)和他的中間派政治對手藍白黨主席本尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz)將在本周作出最後的努力,「試圖彌合建立全國統一政府的談判差距。」
2)以色列安全局Shin Bet在與IDF和警察部隊的聯合行動中,逮捕了一個巴勒斯坦激進分子小組,該小組上個月在西岸多列夫定居點附近發動了令人髮指的恐怖襲擊,其中以色列少年Rina Shnerb被殺,她的兄弟和父親受到重傷。
3)沙特王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼(Mohammad Bin Salman)警告說,如果伊朗伊斯蘭共和國不停止對沙烏地阿拉伯王國的侵略行動,恐將升級。

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  1. Christ killers zionist nazi nation of israel should move back from Palestine to their eternal home THE AUSHWICH and peace and love will spread through the world

  2. I am almost understanding him now. My Hebrew is improving. I don't want translation subtitles, I want Aleph Bet subtitles. Transliterations don't help me. I read Hebrew well. I also need some technical help on how to put my comments on right-left keyboard Hebrew here on Israel 7.

  3. All Christians , Please be kind and support BIB (Benjamin Netanjahu). His policy Israel is strong and thriving. "Oh Lord, Give me Strong and Pure Heart" King David.

  4. Sad to see Saudi suffering from the bitterness of the fruits of it's own labour. Using oil money to sponsor Islam all over the world; the more Islam spreads, the more terror humanity suffers and there is no way to fix the problem coz people think they are working for God when they blow staff up.

  5. Russia already sold nukes to Iran over a decade ago, and Iran has means of delivery. This is why Iran is open to any war, they have nukes!

  6. Iranians aren't new to Middle East anymore. Caucasian Iranian tribes from Georgia, the fatherland, had migrated to Iran some 12,000 years ago. Saudi Arabs need to understand this! Iranians belong just as much as them.

  7. 이스라엘에 평화.
    네타나우총리sir, 하느님의 가호가충만하시길 기도
    이스라엘의 평화와번영이
    중동국가들에게 번창하길기도

  8. What do you get when you put two Greeks together? A diner. What do you get when you put two Jews together? Three political parties.

    President Trump should give Iran a direct unambiguous warning that an an attack on America's allies or interests in the Mideast would immediately escalate to a conflict that would bring an end to Iran and Lebanon as organized societies. Those are well understood code words for a threat of a massive nuclear first strike. Neither would last more than 10 or 15 minutes. Neither would ever be rebuilt from the ashes. Neither Russia nor China will respond with more than words. That's because Iran is not a vital national interest to either of them and a nuclear strike against the US by either of them would be national suicide for both of them.

  9. Hi friend. Have you ever thought about where you'll spend eternity? It's the most important question you will ever consider. We have all broken God's moral law – the 10 commandments. This is also why we need Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Can I ask you some questions my friend? How many lies have you told in your life? What do we call someone who tells lies? A liar. Have you ever stolen something? What do we call someone who steals? A thief. Have you ever taken God's name in vain (omg)? God said He will not hold harmless those who misuse His name. Jesus said if a man even looks at a woman with lust in his heart then he's already committed adultery with her in his heart. Have you ever looked with lust my friend? This is just 4 out of the 10 commandments that we have broken. Since we have broken God's moral law, we deserve to be separated from God forever in hell. But God in His love sent His Son Jesus to die for my sin and your sin my friend. To have your sins forgiven and have eternal life place your faith in Jesus just like you would a parachute when having to jump out of an airplane at 30,000 feet. You can't just believe in the parachute you have to place your faith in it by putting it on. After you pray to receive Jesus read John 3 and 4. Then read the Bible every single day of your life no matter what and also pray that God will help you understand what you read. Please, please, please think about this my friend. Judgment is coming and this is how you get prepared.

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