
9月5日-花旗集團(Citigroup Inc.)董事總經理兼首席全球政治分析師蒂娜·福特(Tina Fordham)討論了中美之間的經濟影響。貿易戰。她在《彭博市場:你想念什麼?

  1. It's imperative that no EurAsian challenger emerges capable of dominating Eurasian landmass,
    and thus of also challenging America

    Zbignew Brzezinski
    – How ?
    Those who control
    control the World

    john halford mackinder

  2. Citibank is illuminati controlled. The banksters want to create a One World govt. and destroy the U.S.



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  3. What? "They don't mind us doing the heavy lifting" about European countries supporting the tariffs. They all oppose the tariffs and have spoken out against it.

  4. now you will understand why ?

    those who control
    control the WORLD

    john halford mackinder

    What's up with this ?
    this is up:
    It's ImperativE
    that no Eurasian challenger emerges capable of dominating EurasiA and thus of also challenging America

    Zbignew Brzezinski

  5. There is no trade deficit. China buy $1 trillion US bonds. Bonds are financial commodities. This trade war is real racism and business discrimination with goal of destroying China's economy. But 6.5 China's growth – 1.5 US growth is a real danger for the US. The US will fall and nobody will be able to stop that self inflicted fall.

  6. It is obvious that the US has lost confidence in competing with China on a fair basis. Thus she is resorting to all the dirty tricks and propaganda against China.

  7. Chinese are thieves ask Africa governments who put up their ports as collateral on infatsructure improvments. Many governments loose their ports to Chinese government. Bye bye Africa

  8. US literally made enemies out of China for no real gain. Decades of good will went out the window. Think about it, Chinese leaders been sending their kids to US schools etc… Good will is gone.

  9. MIght it not be true that "tough on China" is nothing but empty rhetoric? For so long as Americans are spoon-fed one and only one side of the story, is this really all that useful, or is it mainly useful to hicks who can tie their shoes right on alternate days of the week? In a word, to people who know how to research, and how to think, this whole mess is BULLSHIT!!!

  10. US president always know that having a war increase their chance of getting re-elected. Bush had one.. This is Trump's…the same old same old… China should know what to do if they don't want Trump.. But China does prefer Trump over democrats.. Lol

  11. Sure if you can consider slow China's gdp by a couple .1%'s a feat, than Washington can celebrate. But our politicians are shortsighted. China will surpass the US, that's a fact and nothing can change that. 1.4 billion people rising. (The world's largest middle class and millionaires. The world's greatest urbanization movement in history. 100's of millions out of abstract poverty. Etc. etc.)

    China's economy was flourishing, and Americans stood the most to gain compared to their international rivals. China will open up, regardless of geopolitics. But now, Trump is forcing businesses to get out of China, other countries are moving in, and China's consumer economy is exponentially getting more and more hungry. China might be a geostrategic rival, but America is robbing itself of a great opportunity and is trying ever so hard to destroy global peace. America is not a responsible power in an age where great power war in the form of nuclear war, would destroy the world.

  12. I'll intentioned economic war never succeeds. CHINA needs to be smart in pulling all potent tools to do max damage to his chance of being reellected.

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