







  1. call me stupid… and those yellow vest must be asking for a raise, and the french police responded by giving them a few of their own outdated piece of the bean bag bullets.

  2. You, the young undergraduate, speak with fairness and independent view. That French man bears all the sign of an ex-colonial french right-wing white racist, of despicable imperialist France. The Englishman is also strongly anti-China. China has the correct and proper policy, that the Chinese government introduces a universal Chinese spoken language to school, Mandarin Chinses. Why did the French introduce the French language into Vietnam during their colonial day, a compulsory school subject and administrative language in all civil and government department, the British colonial administration and school text all in English? You are both White imperialist, are hypocrites. The Asian woman speaker with an American accent, is totally against China, undoubtedly speaking on behalf of the white master of the West and America. The George Conny lookalike presenter is the Frontman for French Nationalist rightwing party, ensuing the anti-China view to French and English speaking public.
    The broadcast provides references for those independent decent honest viewers to forming their fair and critical judgment.
    The reality for the Western world, seeing the rise of a very poor country of 200 years, rises to a competitor to the White Imperialist Hegemon, difficult to tolerate, in a short time of 35 years. That the white race might not be in charge and enjoy the world natural resources un-impeded. While the rest of the underdeveloped world living on a thousandth of what the Westerner consumed.
    China is diligently working towards a better world, never aggressive to their neighbour through human history, but influenced the world with culture, and civilisation. It is the westerner and the Japanese acted out aggression towards China in the past 150 years, and continue to this day.
    Democracy is already practised in China, but the western world want to impose and control China with its brand of imperialist dogma, to brainwash and undermind China with Chaos and anarchistic behaviour, cunningly disguised as youth movement for Democracy and universal suffrage. The present riots and demonstration by the young school children and university students bear the mark of USA foreign policy of Colour revolution in Ukraine, the mid-east, Venezuela. The consequences are here to see, now, economic destruction, the collapse of a nation. Ukraine is now the poorest country in Europe, it was once an economic powerhouse, technologically and scientifically advanced nation in par with USA, shipbuilder of Aircraft Carrier, the only aircraft sold to China, become China first Aircraft Carrier LUI-NING. I t is all the achievement of USA secret Agents.
    This is what you desired for China? THE WESTERN WORLD, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA are the instigator of violence, sabre rattling hegemons in the human history. Please let China rise in peace and contribute to the improvement of life quality of everyone on earth.
    China achievement is by the sweat and hard labour and intellectual prowess of its people, unlike that of the west by aggression, cheating, cunning political manoeuvring, and coercion to steal from the poor wretched countries. Foreign aids are a disguise of political and religious infiltration, to brainwash the innocent and naive natives. sowed the seed of anarchism in the guise of democracy and freedom, to a people have little to keep their body alive. The cost of one bullet can feed a family of four.
    The four of you can criticise China for its form of government, can you lift 600million people to a live standard of 2000 USD from 20 USD in 35 years?
    Food for thought, you arrogant lots. Particularly the woman with an American accent and the French.

  3. Once you live with freedom then it will be very difficult to live silenced or suppressed. Hong Kong people are educated and very well aware of how freedom apply

  4. really,again singaporian student was invited,jocking?

  5. FRANCE 24 English How about Chinese people supporting More violence Yellow Jacket protesters on Paris street for their 5 or 10 demands then we make many TV shows in China in front of 1.4 billion people and on the CCTV world that smearing how Franch government is wrong…?

  6. What going on this world? Why you foreigners are LOVE TO INTERFERE on other country』s business? You have nothing important to do in your life? Unbelievable!

  7. Who is this man on the lift? He made me really angry…! What f* who you are question about China? Should I question about you, about your background and your education, Your government?? The way he talk like he is a Chinese man unhappy with Chinese government but I』m sorry you are a foreigner and it』s not your business! HK protests is destroying One country two systems. It has been 22 years that mainland China helping HK! It』s unbelievable how shame on HK Chinese never appreciate about it… should mainland China stop supply everything that come from China? HK Chinese has been spoiled by Chinese government, now they wants more and more and more… what a greed people

  8. Infiltrating? Faak! Mandarin is the mother tongue of this Great Country. You colonist ppl speaking western languages say ppl speaking mandarin is infiltrating into HK. Stop hallucinating , you French ppl are just passers-by and take care of your own freaking business within your own boundaries.

  9. All I see are small children protesting…..are they supposed to be in school? What do they know about politics? There is a reason we don't give them voting rights. Because they are not mature enough to make those complex decisions. They look so young I don't think anyone of them ever worked one day in their lives. Go home. Go back to schools. Child protesting should be illegal. We have laws here in Los angeles if children ditching school roaming the street, the police should arrest them and turn them back to their parents.

  10. The Extradiction Bill was merely an excuse…. for the protest.
    IMO, the protest is an united front of 5 categories of residents living in HKSAR :-
    a) those who want "one country, two systems" under Basic Law to be in existence even after Year 2047 (hoping that eventually, the mainland China will be having a democratic system with multi-political parties elections.
    b) those who want Hong Kong independence; they reject completely the Basic Law of "one country, two systems".
    c) those who have BN(O) passports wanting to be British citizens with the right of abode in UK; they regard themselves British, not Chinese.
    d) those who are religious (mainly the Christians & the Falunggong) who are against having to register their religious organisations with Central govt in Yr 2047.
    e) those who are want to have a better standard of living, better housing, social welfare & medical benefits.
    IMO, the demands of (a), (d) & (e) can be discussed and negotiated with Chief Executive in her dialogue with the residents.
    But, for (b) and (c), I'm afraid they are not negotiable as they
    are against the Sino-British Joint Declaration 1984 and against the Basic Law.
    So, IMO, the protest and violent riots arise mainly due to the non- negotiable categories of (b) & (c) but unfortunately, those in the negotiable categories of (a), (d) & (e) are being "directed & drawn in" to join in the protest.
    But there's a well-trained group of hardcore black shirts riotous protesters who would turn the protest into violent riots by damaging airport facilities, train stations and public properties and structures and worse of all, by committing terrorist acts on the lives of the police and security officers (who are trying their best to enforce law and order…. & to keep HK safe )。

  11. How many riots have took place in Paris this century? They all started quietly with so called peaceful demonstrations in the beginning.

  12. The EU should do something to stop the brutality of HK police attacking HK students and citizens indiscriminately.

  13. Let HK rot till its ultimate bottom and when it extends its hand for help , the people then will open their eyes to who the real enemy is.

  14. 50 years』 promise never kept, already a police state attacking citizens violently! August 31th, Prince Edward Station, bloody terror attack against defenseless young people, possible killings! Until today cctv has been kept in the dark by officials to hide the truth!

  15. I think its not about the extradition bill at all, this is about terrorism. Someone is behind this rally they just ride on the situation and blaming the extradition bill. Poor students of Hongkong they are being used. They dont know what theyre fighting for.

  16. As long as this kind of violent protests don』t spread to China, Hong Kong can probably protest as long as they like.
    . Hong Kong is destroying its own economy, MRT and infrastructure and City just like France.

  17. Actually, the Hong Kong police now are like gangsters, they have already killed some of the protesters after arrest, so that's why protesters demand release CCTV footage of police assault on prince edward metro station, but of course, government and MTR wouldn't release it.

  18. HK protestors has become a domestic terrorist group. They destroy public property that all citizens depend like train stations. China ?? won』t interfere because HK is destroying themselves which mean HK will ask China to rebuild.

  19. What HK needs is a true leader who can touch the rich people's cake to help the poor HKers. High housing price and less job opportunities are the key problems. Hopefully democracy can solve the problem! But seems like right now CCP doesn't even care if HK becomes a fishing village

  20. It's so funny for French people to talk about this. Basically, they are trying to pass their experience to HK government about how to stop protesters.

  21. separatist invited for a "to-be-supposed" neural media, while no Chinese being invited without talking about patriotism? what if a French being invited by a American to say that Strasbourg should not have been part of France?

  22. Carrie Lam's response is not only too late and too vague but it is also irrelevant, especially NOW…after over a thousand students and citizen went missing. AND Dead bodies found floating on the harbour last week.

    Public focus has ALREADY shifted to CCP controlled police force abusing citizens and subsequently illegally destroyed bodies.

    Carrie Lam lives in constant time lag. Shame shame SHAME!

  23. Let』s be honest Hong Kong means nothing to China . If The Hongkongers wants to drag their economy than by all means . Shenzhen can take over Hong Kong easily as the next financial hub … look how China transform the lives of the people there & the speed the built the economy… Even the US is lacking further & further away in every aspects …

  24. That is not a protest , that is hooliganism or easy can be considering as a threat of national security! They will invent more and more demand till China will send a troops, and that is what US is want by organizing this 「protest」. LOL how all of participants of this talk seriously talking about BS.

  25. Many arrested protestors were sent to a secluded camp by the police, some were brutally abused, killed and shipped over to china for who knows what happens. Dead bodies shows up mysterious everyday since August 31 because the police killed the young protesters and tried to cover up

  26. It's too late because carrie lam caused lots of lives lost with police force. Police killed protestors inside a subway, tried to cover up by closing the subway for 2hoirs. China sent in their troops in HK police uniform, gang rapped arrested young protestors and brutally beat male protestors, HK need international government to help! Please help them, my tears falls every time i see what's going on in HK

  27. 2:24 Nathan law…protesters leader …going to school yet asking the protesters to continue and not go to class….hypocrisy?! No amnesty for rioters/ criminals and police brutality should be investigated.

  28. CHINA don't have to do anything. Infact they should thank the rioters for dragging HK economy down. With a failed economy is easier to rule HK under one country, one system soon. The rioters are just hurting themselves and will not achieve anything. The rioters will destroy themselves.

  29. 40:22 Speakers of the different Chinese languages/dialects (Mandarin, Cantonese, etc.) write in Standard Chinese. Therefore, no matter which non-mutually intelligible Chinese language/dialect people speak, they are able to understand each other in the written form. That's the characteristic of the Chinese writing system which is logographic and not phonetic.

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