
IHS Markit副主席Daniel Yergin討論了中東的緊張局勢將如何導致美國的能源不穩定和石油生產。

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  1. It』s time to put Donald Trump and his immediate associates under psychiatric care.
    The sooner that happens the sooner we all can get a good night rest!!

  2. The houthis captured 2000 Saudi soldiers, Iran shot down U.S drone trespassing Iranian airspace, U.S moved its air force from Qatar to South Carolina…hmm ?

  3. S.A. and the u.s. has had a symbiotic relationship since bretton woods. Although we are essentially fossil fuels independent we still need S.A. as a partner. They have a tremendous stake in our markets. We abandon them they will do the same with their money. Then what?

  4. Definitely Yemenis will hit more targets in Saudi-Arabia especially Oil-industry in Saudi-Arabia is extremly in danger.
    USA must get independent of saudi oil-import sooner better.

  5. Another BS crap to attack Iran. General Wesley Clarke said back in 2003 that USA will invade Iran by hook or by crook. Don't people have memories left??? Must be all the crap the bought out MSM puts out there.

  6. 01 October 2019 Tuesday PM : if these UNITED STATES is so 「Energy Independent」 then why are Fuel prices been consistently and still very high?

    Scams Across America, Scams Across the Land I Love, United We Fall, United We Scam, SCAMS Across America <— sung too the tune of 「Hands Across America」

  7. The Saudi Prince needs to realize we have thousands upon thousands of oil derricks here in the US and we don't have to rely on "unimaginably high oil prices" from Saudi Arabia. So, I guess they either come to the board and work with the US or keep their oil in tanks unsold and unused!

  8. The American administration needs to send more American human shields to the Middle East to protect Israel and Saudi Arabia… the two best democracies in the world.

  9. And who would benefit from high oil price? It would not be Iran because they can sell their oil, but Saudis can and they get richer and richer.

  10. Saudi Arabia has a massive defense budget why don't they fight their own wars, American blood should stay here. How much they have laughed at the west when they exit OPEC meetings having raised the price of oil thereby transferring wealth from the West to the East

  11. Sanctions on Iran killing 180 million Iranians on Trump Zionist Racist watch. Go back to the JCPOA lift all sanctions and the world will know peace..

  12. Saudi Arabia falls to Iran.
    Russia controls all world oil.
    China and Russia have unlimited access and economic control.
    The US falls.
    Or become globally cut off from markets and a global irrelevance.
    Nothing to do with the US?

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