
中美之間正在進行的貿易戰一直是特朗普擔任總統的標誌。它震驚了世界上兩個最大的經濟體,而且沒有盡頭。它涉及數十億美元的關稅以及對貨幣操縱和知識產權盜竊的指控。它已將電信巨頭華為,其最先進的5G項目及其與中國政府的關係吸引到全球矚目。 RT America的Sara Montes de Oca來到中國,探索有關該主題的新觀點,並在同行記者Rachel Blevins和Natasha Sweatte的幫助下,主持了一次專題報道。我們將聽取香港議員陳俊英,經濟學教授張大良,香港服裝協會有限公司的Paul Chan Wai-bun,shop247.com的David Millington的寶貴見解。另外,參觀了華為在中國深圳的校園,並對該公司戰略副總裁安德魯·威廉姆森進行了廣泛採訪,隨後與「繁榮蕭條」聯合主持人克里斯蒂·艾和丹尼爾·布里托以及RT America的黃金時間新聞主持人進行了小組討論。里克·桑切斯(Rick Sanchez)。

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  1. I think the host, and many of her colleagues, are too young and inexperienced to cover these topics. But at least she is not rude and full of herself like many other American "journalists".

  2. So how is an independent study about the effect of 5G a conspiracy?! Huawei, Noki and all the rest of those companies are gonna make a ton a money wiring up the entire ? so not surprised they are lying about it. Would love to see RT do a story about 5G soon

  3. I live in Sweden where you have Volvo and Geely, not to mention many other innovative companies. I understand that the more Trump keeps the trade war on, the more trades between Sweden, including Europe, will get better with China. USA is suicidal, we Europeans are winning right now, power is shifting. Israel and the UK will also dump the USA. Thank you Americans for handing over this to us. USA and Canada are getting into an isolationist era.

  4. This is Not a War but a delay
    Tactic to allow US Technology
    to catch up with China
    There is just one problem
    People are not using the US brands they want to promote
    And as US delays and they have to because if debt Crisis
    With china they are not talking
    about that ?????

  5. Rick Sanchez doesn't understand the irony in saying the media is "ethnocentric" and still claiming pride in being "American." The "American" mythology was created on white supremacist, settler-colonial ideology. Where do you think the Indigenous peoples went? You're broadcasting on occupied land. So keep touting your "American exceptionalism" and your quest for the "American dream."

  6. Stop calling this a trade war, this is tech oppression war, the US assigned a role for every country, and control them by stick and carrot, swiftly punishing any one falling out of line and keeping a carrot in front for those who follows. China wants to move up the value chain into the profitable sector the US has reserved for itself, aka, 5G. The UK, South Korea, Japan, Russia, France and Germany have all tried to move ahead on one tech area or another, they all got crushed.

    So this is not about trade so stop singing along like the rest of the obliged 「patriotic」 media

  7. Trump started the trade war, ends up America losing the Chinese market and Americans will have to pay more, that makes Trump more shitty than great

  8. America is turning into a shit country, when no longer can compete fairly, bullying and to use trade war to destroy China, a sick country ruled by psychos and mafia gangsters

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