

無論是報道國外衝突和國內政治分歧,還是報道最新的流行趨勢和科學發展,《紐約時報》的視頻記者都可以提供令人難忘的世界觀。這是所有值得關注的新聞。 。

  1. We never think that the Police is facing the same thing being lit in flames and all that do Police and protesters think a like on the inside about the government

  2. Lol the NYT has a history of mis-translating Chinese documents/text to fit anti-China propaganda in many of their videos and feature stories, its all over the internet. Shameful.

  3. Shame on you, don't put you face behind mask and claim freedom, don't push the kids on front and claim protest for freedom! Shame on you NYT!!!

  4. Poor husband, the wife said she sympathised with policemen who sometimes beaten by protesters but yet she supported the protesters and took part. What a crazy world, he is her family member.

  5. What i see is Hong konger's again each other. Ppl in the government don't care if the police or the protesters get hurt or die. I feel that all (police &protesters) should take the protest to the GOVERNMENT'S Own house and business this will be the only why they can make them listen to what they want heard

  6. why youtube doesn't tag this channel as "funded by US government" ? ah, i forgot that youtube is also funded or controlled by US government.

  7. America can take 1 million anti-Beijing protesters dissenting against Chinas totalitarian, anti-democracy ideology, whether young and in school or older business owners with senior family, specially in fear of their life from police persecution and from mainland China. This would be easy for America right now because right now we have the best president with the best economy and the most jobs ever, thanks to his tax cuts!

  8. This is what New York is doing to the NYPD. The so called Democratic States ( Socialist) are making the Police the scapegoats for their evil plans.

  9. The communist will listen to people ?
    Good luck. Look how they treat their people for year.
    1 great example is one child policy even the government don』t feed their family.

  10. Hey can you maybe also talk about the blatant racism and unaggravated assault toward mainland Chinese or people who hold a different opinion then Hing Kongers? Or are you guys just gonna continue to be biased.

  11. The police, they can't stop the protesters otherwise they'll be accused of "brutality", they need to stop the protesters because the citizens will complain about why they don't fix the broken streets. They can't defend themselves otherwise they're political tools, and if they defend themselves protesters will accuse that they're hiding the truth. The hardest job in the world: police.??

  12. Only the stupid congressman and nation in USA and Europe will support the rioters and terrorist in Hong Kong! Stupid pig ? I
    Support the HK police to fight the rioters terrorist!

  13. Only the stupid congressman and nation in USA and Europe will support the rioters and terrorist in Hong Kong! Stupid pig ? I
    Support the HK police to fight the rioters terrorist!

  14. Lies are always lies no matter how nice masks westerns put on them. Young hk
    People live in peace too long.they never know how hard to save hk from western's hand. Don't forget you r not white.

  15. You know when Hong Kong is destroyed nobody in the world will help you so don't be so stupid simply because some body sponsors you with some money. Freedom is not all you need. your Government already promise to built more public houses and improve education just for you. Why not go home and reunion with your family and study hard for your future, Freedom already destroyed IRAQ, LIBYA . SYRIA and VENEZUELA. Don't let Hong Kong be part of it.

  16. I was wondering why this video is so biased, then I realized it's the NYT. When it comes to China or Russia, the NYT is still living in the cold war era.

  17. Citizens when HK police trys to protect them from rioters: Mafia!

    HK police stops protecting them from the rioters and their cars and windows got smashed by rioters

    Citizens: Suprised Pikachu face

  18. 暴民瘟疫延續成暴亂。必須停止,大眾已經承受不起。對於恐怖?犯罪者該處決時就處決,絕不能手軟。

  19. The ny times is trying to normalize rioting, this is trash and encouraging vandalism, if we protest in the US without a permit cops are gonna come out and arrest every one of us, i think the times want this type of drama so they can have a story.

  20. The real China has gone when the communists took over China in 1949. Now China uses 『Digital Leninism』 to manage economy and monitor citizens.
    Its online propaganda is more 『Brave New World』 than 『1984』 !! China is a totalitarian state !!

  21. The real China has gone when the communists took over China in 1949. Now China uses 『Digital Leninism』 to manage economy and monitor citizens.
    Its online propaganda is more 『Brave New World』 than 『1984』 !! China is a totalitarian state !!

  22. 只是一群活在口罩下面的廢青,打著自由的名義做著一些損害香港損害國家的勾當,西方國家的鏡頭永遠對著警察,全是片面的報道,希望美國擁有越來越多這種「美麗的風景線。」

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