伊朗以「不人道」抨擊美國。決定禁止FM Zarif出診


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  1. what does Iran to its own people? Killing demonstrates for a free demonstration on the Street. And this guy is representative of that fu… Government.

  2. Perhaps Iran would find it more humane if US should send the Iranian "diplomat" back to Iran for his long term treatment, so he can have constant visits.

  3. Inhuman is holding over 25 thousands political activists in the prisons for criticizing Islamo fascist regime of lying scums back of corrupt Mullahs. They should arrest both of them for crime against humanity. I hope Trump or any other politician wont negotiates with these lying fascist regime. This regime has no legitimacy inside or outside of Iran. The mullahs DOES NOT represent people of Iran.

  4. Iran ,USA, Russia, Europe, China, North Korea, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Venezuela, and every other nation i didn't mention r acting like fools,they fear each other so much, how could you be so blind to the truth of the creator,,love your neighor and the earth is round so everyone is your neighbor, that word [the enemy] is a lie period, ☻Jesus is lord

  5. That is why I am happy that Trump is the president. What would wimpy Obama do to get US prisoner from Iranian prison? Send the more money, I bet.

  6. Too bad soooo sad Iran is almost as horrible as Saudi Arabia, only good group in the Middle East are the Israelis. The rest are just Persian』s squatting on stolen land!

  7. Has this world gone completely insane first the dems adam with their lies and hatred of the president, a congresswoman or two that actually (hate) Americans and almost everything that is American except for our way of life and money. And now this…
    I see this all very clearly, they may think they are fooling me but as I say I see their insanity very clear 「crystal」

  8. Wow i cant belive it ! Another crisis in THE middle east WHO Saw that coming? Why not adjust THE center of universe to THE middle east and broadcast 24/7 as a reality show. Decide haircuts,economy,health for others by THE help of a cellular & video game.

  9. He doesn't think his ideology is inhumane…hippocrate! Don't believe a word any of them say because lying to infidels is accepted.

  10. Let me do what I want or you are inhumane…They are just trying to exploit America's perceived weakness, thanks to leftist Democrats….."inhumane" lol

  11. He's right. But its not new to the world. I don't think even the word "humanity" can be applicable to a government that its business is creating unrest and selling weapons. They prefer cash btw! lol

  12. Iran took that ship only after theirs was taken and they have not attacked any country in the middle east or anywhere for that matter. Only self defense of their own country. The Saudis, Israel and the USA have attacked many!

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