
特朗普總統周三談到了多里安颶風,他的一些評論正在接受審查。白宮《華盛頓郵報》記者安妮·吉蘭(Anne Gearan)和波利蒂科(Poliitico)白宮記者安妮塔·庫馬爾(Anita Kumar)加入CBSN的「紅與藍」討論。 。

  1. There will be more things that need to be recycled, but the recycling centers are closing. So that means more in landfills. And more illegal dumping.

  2. Fake news. Already debunked. Trump right, AGAIN. The early models around 8/29 show the spaghetti noodles all over the map including going up the east coast of Florida another showing right across the state and couple showing going up the west coast of Florida. I know because I live in Florida and I followed the path of Dorian since it became a tropical storm. I remember seeing the models online. The models didn't tighten up until the 8/30 and they were more in agreement with the European model which had Dorian turning up the east coast of Florida. The American model had it turning up the west coast like hurricane Irma in 2017. The models that had it on the west coast were going up to the pan handle of Florida. I believe Alabama is still above that thin strip of land in the pan handle of Florida, if it hasn't changed in reports like this one. So the point is Trump was right in warning Alabama early on and that map seemed to have that area added with a marker. But fake news does what it does best and those that watch it are usually misled.
    The funny thing is that there is a video going around about a CNN weatherman explaining the danger Dorian could present to Alabama and other Gulf states if it follows that American model going across and up the west coast of Florida. So the irony is that a tabloid network actually confirmed the concern Trump had expressed.

  3. CAUTION is the word anytime a Hurricane is in the area. All the adjacent states need to remain on constant and cautious alert and in this case it included Alabama, and even Mississippi .Continued winds, flooding, rains and most damaging of all are the Tornadoes which can churn up in no time and cause as much if not more damage that the Hurricane itself. CAUTION is always the word when a Hurricane is anywhere in the area as they spawn Tornadoes hundreds of miles away which included Alabama and even Mississippi and Louisiana. Alabama and these other States are very close to each other and "MOTHER NATURE" always has surprises no Weatherman can predict.

  4. I don』t know what his strategy is but, I do believe some of his alternative facts!!! Are on purpose, after all we don』t know that the sustained hurricane winds maybe could go to Alabama. Ha Ha, I don』t know but he is fighting a war with China, believe it or not an even more evil empire than us. It』s about a lot more than just trade. We should all look into it, just go to the epoch times and learn about Organ Harvesting.

  5. Wonder how those military bases are going to react to the diverting of $3.6 billion to add to the wall instead of much needed infrastructure. Why not use the $5 billion Facebook fine for something that's necessary?

  6. Weather maps vary from day to day even, in the case of hurricanes, hour by hour. But you brain dead people have to find anything you can to bash Trump. This CBS rake is a prime example of what we call FAKE NEWS.

  7. The fake president has ??? for brains. He can't read, can't spell, can't remember what he said in the past, keeps repeating himself, keeps lying, has a diminishing vocabulary, etc. TOTALLY UNFIT TO RUN A COUNTRY. And if he continues the way he does, he'll bankrupt the country too like he has bankrupted so many of his businesses.

  8. if trump is giving breaking news update, why is he using a make that is almost 1 week old.  Can't his people get him a newer one that is also not altered.  That chart is a fake chart and trump is the source of spreading fake news again

  9. Hey Trump, Bolton , pompeo. You are really good friends of VN and asia. You are determined to bring freedom to east sea. I beg you. Tolerate China if they withdraw from east sea, forgive them if they respect sovereignty of VN and others.

  10. The lazy fat man in the white House is so pathetically petty he would draw fake maps before admitting he's too stupid to listen to the experts. UNBELIEVABLE.

  11. They lied to create inflation and save the economy from recession he knows that the rich people don't have about nothing g else but their investments and money he had to lie about the track of the storm to cause panic and he succeeded to scam American citizens to fill their pockets

  12. In the normal world, the weather experts explain hurricanes and hurricane paths.
    In our sad and sorry world Trump expresses his Baroque fantasies about Alabama and Dorian!
    Baroque = exaggerated detail.
    We are becoming inured to the alien invader in our White House.

  13. POS POTUS.
    The most unqualified misleading uninformed vile excuse for a president in history.
    Abominable ungodly lawless administration and staff.
    Proverbs 6.12-19

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