


  1. President"Dumb F**k" just figured out that the trade war is hurting the stock market. No doubt about it he has a good brain and he studied at Trump U. What a pathetic heap of feces he his!

  2. What a moron!』 I can』t believe this guy is our president. Get him out of office before he does more damage or something really bad happens.

  3. US has to do something to hold #1 global rank in the long run. Trump is doing something, does not matter how painful it is and he is taking the blame. I am not from US but it well can be that he will be elected again.

  4. Yeah. The war with China is "justice", no matter what's the consequences, we are always standing at "correct" side.
    God bless us as we are "good" , and we create enemies and they are always "bad".
    No matter what is going on, please support America, as we are the "holy" one.

  5. WE NEED NO TALK ON ECONOMY from Liberals. Every single time I get off a plane and land in one of your cities, it's filled with trash, tents, homelessness, and smells like crap. I also tend to notice something else about Liberal Cities. The "Ghetto" or "Government Housing" is always on a separate side of the city. In other words, the blacks are segregated on the opposite side of town as the whites. Here in Texas, we build the University right next to the 3rd Ward. Understandable though, liberals voted for slavery, so I can understand why they would still want to segregate them. But now Liberals have a whole new problem. The poverties feeling their cities, and the trash problem, is turning into rat problems, and it's getting worse and worse to land in a LIBERAL CITY, so please do not discuss Economics. Our Texas Neighborhood, 65% of the neighborhood, (neighbors to the left, right, across the street) again, 65% of our neighborhood is Ex-Californians. $4.50 a gallon vs. $1.75 gallon for milk. $2,500. for a 3 bedroom house vs $900. a month for a 3 bedroom house In Houston, Dallas, San Antionio, or Austin, or even with water front property on the gulf coast. State taxes there. No State taxes here. Double the price for groceries. I get it. I understand why they moved. ECONOMICS is JACKED IN LIBERAL CITIES.

  6. House owners all know one rule, if things are not broken, don't fix it. Economists know that golden rule.
    Yet Trump does not know it. He has to screw it. Reasoning aside, in the end he will be he one who is screwed.

    He intellectual deficiency is he does not study history and he does not study philosophy.

    History: 1930s American government play trade war resulted in the great depression.
    Philosophy, China's economic growth benefits all countries who do business with them. Trump has been advising North Korean President that North Korea could benefit from Chins's growth. Yet Trump does not know that applies to the US economy, too. He has to turn blind when it comes to the US – China trade benefit. At one point he even said "We don't have to do business with them (China)". Hello?

    As smart as Trump is his deficiency will bring the US to depression, and he will be the very president who watches China and the world marching ahead leaving the US behind. This is the historical depth and philosophical prospect of this trade war.

  7. Fake record of success…fake life…fake persona…fake paintings…fake diamonds…fake tan…fake education…fake empathy…fake fake fake fake fake….it should be no goddamned surprise to anyone why fake seems to be Trump's favorite word.

  8. a sign of the capitalist system being destroyed

    a sign that there will be a new economic system

    a sign that there is a threat of a third world war China Russia North Korea Turkey and friends against the United States and allies

  9. For those who still call China communist, please make a self check for brain damage caused by brain wash, China is not communist country for decades, they just claim they are, in fact China is feudalism capitalism, or call it capatalism at very early stage, it has central regime with high efficiency of execution, low hunman right, no democrazy, no work unions, low social welfare. it has higher efficiency based on cruelty. you don't call it communism, communism society is almost a big work union itself, workers can get salary without working, it has very low efficiency or productivity, absolute social welfare for everyone, like north Korea. if you think that China is communist country like many politicians do, you won't have a clue of what is going on, those politicians are brain wahsed by the media and they make their judgement based on the wrong information. communism economy are not supposed to grow at all

  10. 2.5 is not normal 2% isnt normal.

    It is historically extremely low 5% or higher is normal. This is stupidly low rates for the amount of risk. No same person will loan anyone for 2%. Less than official rate of inflation what that means is no gain or negative interest rates where you lose money for loaning to gov. At 0%.

    Right now interest rates are equal to official and slightly negative rate of inflation.

    This is stupid idiotic. No one sane will loan money then. It is in fact banks doing it that can get 0% loans not anyone with real assets cause banks money is free or worthless money they made.

  11. America, you elected a moron to be POTUS. What a waste of time, money, energy, and resources. All that you have ever worked for are now going up in smoke. He is not making America great again. He is making America stupid again, a loser, just like him. Sad.

  12. The fact that donny limits his estimate at 10,000 points lets you know he actually understands just how badly he screwed things up. If he felt it wasn't so obvious to everyone, he would have put his "10,000 to 30,000 points, some say 50,000 to 70,000 points higher, maybe even 100,000 points higher" spin on it.


  13. When the truth about China finally is realized President Trump will go down in history as the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. He is trying to save America. Things are happening in China right now that rival the Nazi concentration camps.

  14. Just like a REAL 'stable genius', … 'this is a (possible) recession you will have to have'. … And who said he does not think? If only he could fire a nuke or two, just to prove a point. It is very hard to be as smart as he is, you know. … Needs a hair cut too.

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