
總統候選人艾米·克洛布查(Amy Klobuchar)告訴勞倫斯(Lawrence),特朗普的貿易戰應成為民主黨初選的前線和中心,特朗普的混亂貿易政策令世界需要放心。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日見面會,Ari Melber的節奏,Deadline:White House with Nicolle Wallace,Hardball,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等內容中查找視頻片段和片段。



  1. Floating Tariff rates now auto pegged to the Chinese Yuan. As Yuan goes down, tariffs go up. No matter how much they manipulate their currency, they can't win.

  2. Second Democratic candidate to say that she'd undo all these tariffs on her first day. Trump and Trumpism will vanish like a staked vampire turning to dust and blowing away just as soon as he's voted out.

  3. Did not our president say " trade war's are easy to win " !! lol. " fool's rush in , where angles fear to tread " Time will tell who's right !! ??

  4. Have you ever asked yourself why China refuses to reach a trade deal with USA? Most country countries agrees that China is practicing bad trade. None of the countries was willing to confront china apart from talking. Every country felt it was better to lose than to confront China. America lost so much than any country but they did not care much because America will always bail them out from their loses caused by china bad trade practices. Trump is brave and he is fighting for other countries. He decided to confront china and his allies went silent. Then Trump decided to cut out all the bailout fund from to force them fight for their countries but to no avail.The fake media, the mouth piece of the swamp and ambassador of the globalist started attacking him and call him evil for putting aside parasites. China is receiving support from the Dems and fake media to resist Trump trade talks even if they understand the Trade threats caused by China. Sad.

  5. Moscow Mitch has been a member of the Senate since Jan 3rd, 1985, he, Donald Trump + 21 Republican Senators are up for re-election Nov 3rd 2020. They need to be "retired."

  6. Do you really think, Trump will be success with China trade? Even he asks Businesses to come back in USA….well China is winning, cheap labor made their goods cheaper…even trump makes business with cheap labor In Asian countries! So stop to present America will be great again…you are loosing…Sit at the table and negotiated

  7. Moscow Mitch, it isn't your job to decide whether to put a bill on the floor based on whether the executive branch will sign it or not. You bring it to a vote and if it gets vetoed that so be it, DO YOUR JOB! you backwards COWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kentucky get rid of this sorry sack of ISH!!!!!!

  8. While India and Russia are making astronaut, trade and currency exchange deals. The rest of the world is turning their backs on us. Americans are going to find out very soon what its like to be a third world nation.

  9. he thinks moscow mitch is over the top? what's over the top is the actions of his boss. what's over the top is taking small children away from their parents.

  10. Moscow Mitch should be impeached for assuming the power of the veto
    by not allowing votes on bills that "might" be vetoed, he is effectively assuming a presidential power
    that is a violation of the Constitution he has sworn to defend

    if the occupant of the White House might veto a particular bill, let him
    but don't prevent the occupant from exercising his Constitutional power

    his reason for doing this isn't to prevent bills from getting vetoed
    but from keeping Republicans from getting upset by constantly being overruled by the occupant of the White house
    which might result in them "stepping across the aisle"

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