
福克斯新聞獨家新聞:伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)與克里斯·華萊士(Chris Wallace)坐下來就他的國家如何採取美國制裁,《伊朗核協議》以及他與特朗普總統的關係進行了廣泛的採訪。

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  1. I'm a Fox News fan and everyone around me knows it. But why was CHRIST WALLACE chosen for this, someone who's an ex CNN reporter and helped this Mullah UP for 20 minutes?!?!

  2. The Iranian president speaks the truth…the u.s. my country armed ISIS with them beautiful vehicles,armed them and funded them,even the layman knows we are the real evil in this world causing chaos in the Middle East….I ,as an American thank Iran and Russia』 for stopping my soulless government in their efforts to overthrow Syria…what we did to Libya is sad,so sad….and our fake news media is also responsible for the middle eastern atrocities….

  3. Was ist denn der wahre Grund warum Saddam den Iran angegriffen hat? Ich glaube nicht mehr das der Iran den Almighty anbetet! Da Bin Ich Mir ziemlich sicher! Aber wen beten die Perser dann an?

  4. zwölf Imamen folgen! Ich steige da nicht durch? Wer sollen denn die zwölf Imame sein? Zarathustras! Parther Rom Ich kapier gar nichts mehr! Baktrien! Beten die Perser zu ihren eigenen Führern? Oder seid ihr gar keine Muslime? Ich weiß jetzt nichts mehr!

  5. Mal so ne Frage an den Iran! Statt Israel und Saudi Arabien zu ärgern könnte der Iran doch in Kuwait einmarschieren und die Arabischen Huren Babylons auslöschen! Das wäre sinnvoll! Denkt mal darüber nach ihr Perser!

  6. Rouhani, get right in there and tell Wallace straight!
    'You call people defending their countries 'terrorists' but turn a blind eye to the USA manufacturing and making readily available for Saudis to target schools and hospitals" I'm paraphrasing a bit but VERY true

  7. Had to double blink at the comment section as people have finally woken up as to who really controls the US and how they've been lied to for decades.

  8. Look at the wisdom and logics of the president of Iran and compare it to complete lunatics like Trump, pompeo, Netanyahu and bin salman.

  9. Every war in Middle East is an illegitimate war. Down to the last one as well as a war against Iran. Long live Iran. Iranians have every right to defend their Iran.

  10. I like this guy. I disagree with him about Israel, but I can say this much – if that Raisi cleric wins the next Iranian election the US will be at war with Iran regardless of whether its Trump in office or not…

  11. The first question directed towards Rouhani should have been Mr president you claim to have a doctorate from a Scottish university, then when you are in need of a translator?

  12. They've defeated terrorism, because they are the terrorists. They just stop doing whatever they've been doing. I can't wait till Trump gets elected again and Chris Wallace sucks his own balls

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