









  1. why not get revenge by tricking the police in thinking that they are gonna escape with the subway but, instead are gonna trap them inside and set fire to the place

  2. To this author, there were 63 people died during the short LA riots and 10 died during Paris yellow jacket. There is no protester died during

  3. Stop glorifying the rioters as heros. They are anything but.Fake press badges are widely available in HK shop. I bet she didnt know that. A shirt with the word 'press' is literally taken face value. How amateur of her. Sky news reputation will be in tatters if they continue to let Alex Crawford loose on the streets of HK, she would be better of by just leaving.

  4. Sky news are such hypocrites what would they say if rioters in the UK were setting fires and throwing rocks and petrol bombs at police. Would they expects the police stand by and do nothing. why dont the UK and the USA offer all the people of Hong Kong who want to leave asylum. After all when brexit is finally completed we are going to need workers to make up for the loss of the European workforce. And all these violent people can come and stay in England.

  5. We need this in Montreal …its getting way to expensive for anyone to live here. I wana see the city shut down like this until wages go to 50k minimum across the board. I know this one is about democracy and keeping their city to themselves and not mainland foreigners…just saying

  6. Im all for these people protesting throwing rocks and fire brombs at police but don't go cowering when police start smashing them with battons , at least throw punches back go all out not just when your wearing mask and far away throwing rocks

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