
上周末,中美貿易戰升級,雙方對對方的出口產品繼續徵收新關稅,目前尚無明確解決雙方貿易爭端的方案。 10月,美國計劃將價值約2500億美元的中國出口產品的現行稅率從25%提高到30%。而且在12月,美國表示,它還計劃對另一組針對手機,筆記本電腦和衣服的中國商品徵收15%的關稅。如果12月份的關稅生效,這實際上意味著所有「中國製造」的產品都將在美國受到關稅管制。


    China: You don't?
    US: Of course NOT. It's SINFUL you dumb communist
    CHINA: So you are returning to GOLD STANDARD?
    US: NO. What you think I STUPID or something.

  2. For anyone who doesn't understand how tariffs work let me explain it to you in simpler terms. If you have a store and you are selling a toy for $24.99 but you purchased it from china for $2.50. When a 35% tariff is opposed it is applied to the $2.50 bringing your total cost per item to $3.37 (not a significant amount) still leaving you with a decent profit.

  3. There is only one winner in this trade war – USA. Trump is right. China doesn't trade fairly and had some of the world's strictest protectionist measures.

  4. Americans , let's go out to dinner , go do some shopping , go to the movie theatre , stop by the casino ,…..I still have $500
    before I max out my credit card. ????

  5. Mr president donald trump will win again for my vote is for the god's chosen one of america. American president mr donald trump will be a great love with the god's chosen one man bring a peace in the world hallelujah Jesus Christ name we pray amen.

  6. America experiences the trade deficit with almost all countries.

    Trade war with China actually only moves its trade deficit with China to switch to an additional deficit with other countries , the total trade deficit will remain the same , even though behind the deficit with China maybe only China can provide positive returns , in the form of large-scale purchases of American products such as agricultural products / pork / Boeing aircraft / heavy equipment such as Caterpillar / cars such as General Motors / chips from Intel & Qualcomm and others , there are almost no other partner countries that have the ability like China , moreover its trade deficit with China actually contain the American components himself . . . .

  7. China must not fall for Trump』s lies. China did not rip US. US bought the goods on their free will. US could just stop buying if it thought it was been ripped off. Simple as that.

  8. My fellow Chinese, kindly browse the net so that your eyes can see how oppressive your country is.

    Cheating, stealing doesn't make Chinese clever but the whole world see them as cheap thieves.

    At some point it was claimed that China would be victorious in this trade war.?

  9. Thank you Mr Trump for standing up for the us like no other president has in a long time we need American companies to start up and manufacture goods Donald Trump best president of modern times

  10. It』s interesting. Trump claims to have great relationships with leaders or many many countries. In the meantime, these leaders and other government authorities are tinkering with their toys, bka nuclear weapons.

  11. China is trying to free itself from under the US and UK. Everyone』s place is under white people especially white America. Either lay with them and get in line or be destroyed.

  12. China sold everything while the US limited the goods that China needed , of course trade was not balanced.

    It is not possible for the Chinese peoples to be forced to eat more pork , chicken feet , soybeans , wheat , and everything like that .

    America needs to open the opportunity for China to buy the goods they need so the trade between them would be balanced even if it might be a surplus for America , for example nuclear reactors and other high-tech products . . . .

  13. China's relationship to Obama Clinton dollars has been exposed. No longer are they funneling dollars and secrets through Hillary's open to China server. China is screwed.

  14. They stole American jobs they stole the American industry leaving 108 million Americans of working-age not working as our cities crumble we helped every nation around the world China is trying to take over every nation in the world China was invaded in 1937 and were defeated people and until the American people the American money put an end to this endless war instead of talking they threatened the world with war the communist Party of China

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