





  1. For those are unfamiliar with the situation:
    Hong Kong protesters are a bunch of retarded kids who don't know what ''extradition'' means. They are protesting AGAINST criminals being punished for their actions and sent back to mainland China, like the guy who murdered his pregnant girlfriend in Taiwan, went to Hong Kong, admitted to the crime, and went unpunished, because Hong Kong cannot send him to China. That's what these protests are against, AGAINST. They are against extradition. YOU ARE PROTECTING CRIMINALS BY SUPPORTING THE HK PROTESTS, YOU FUCKING RETARDS. BTW, 700.000 Honk Kong citizens signed and agreed to accept the extradition law. Shut the fuck up, you retarded fucking snotty kids.

  2. Hong Kong protestors but their lives at risk for free speech and freedom. Western protesters for socialist values to restrict the same freedoms!

  3. Paul Joseph watson, stop using the issue of Hong Kong to demonise China. Hong Kong is Chinese and belongs to China not Britain. You British took this region illegaly and with force and made it British colony and you British did everything to change its identity to follow you, and your failed system now it belongs to its fatherland . No for western interference in Chinese internal issues, keep your failed capitalist democracy for you.

  4. a protest in my country some month ago shows a bunch of vocational high schoolers beating the crap out of police and throwing back tear gasses to the police, causing the formation to break, then take control of a police APV and fired a water cannon to the police, while the college student protest with peace, they use brute force, the millitary even sided with the students rather than the government. It was epic I should say.

  5. My question is although we should talk about Hong Kong, why don』t we talk about Algeria, where literally the same shit is happening

  6. You can't tell me this isn't all connected with the European immigrants, the bused in fake protesters in the US cities and the bused in "refugees" from Mexico and South America, the fascist antifa, and the lunacy on the political left throughout the western world. It seems to me the spearhead attack is on our second amendment in the US. Once that is gone, everything else will quickly unravel throughout the world.

  7. wooow, when it comes to the matters in china, everything changes, what a hypocrite. fancy an update on this issue? since they legit robbed stores and bornt banks, just like every other antifa out there, oh actually its quite similar to your black life matters vid 🙂

  8. What is the difference between the contras and the HongKong protestors? Nothing! Both fight for capitalism and "democracy" both willing to kill people who disagree with them. Clearly they don't know that violent protests give the PLA the excuse the move in.

  9. All liberal-left ideologies are evil. Whether communism, fascism, or socialism;
    they are pure evil. Only those who have never lived under communism/fascism/
    socialism want liberal-leftism.
    It is an incredible honor and humbling to see the United States flag being flown as
    a symbol of liberty and freedom. The same is true when I see the people of HK
    turn to Christianity in their fight for autonomy and liberty.
    God bless the people of HK.

  10. Well, recently even Protest-friendly media for about 2 weeks are reporting a lot of complaints of Hong Kong business communities about obstructions in work; and protests of students where a lot of high school and nothing to do with university guys are found barricaded within the "university campuses". Find please some new exciting idea to incite protests! I suggest the "Pride Parades" protests in Hong Kong!

  11. Thank you for bringing us the truth.

    I am behind the Hong Kong protesters, but something… Why did the people of Hong Kong vote to get independence from the British and have their sovereignty transferred to China? At the time I was very concerned about this. I found no news about the dangers of Hong Kong being controlled by China. I seemed to be the only person who thought that control by China would be a disaster for the people of Hong Kong. That view was on spec plus a sprinkling of knowledge of communism. I knew that communism was dangerous, even with a bit of capitalism tacked on.

    I couldn't understand how Hong Kong could prefer China to Britain.

    BTW. Thank you for reporting on the Christian Community in a positive way. The lib/left UK media only mention Christianity if they can muster-up something negative to say.

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